Part 44.

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Jason's Pov, 

The Next Morning, 

Riding through the lines of men I look onto the battlefield where crosses are burning with flayed men hanging upside down upon them just like the Bolton sigil. This man is just crazy, we've all done things but he... he enjoys this.

Reaching the front of the line Tormund is slightly behind me with the giant named Wun Wun see I said I thought I saw it all only for a giant to stand 15 yards away from me. Looking across the field I see the Bolton army there before I see a horse step forward while Ramsay sits on it making me raise my brow. 

Seeing him pull on a rope behind him I nudge my horse slightly forward before my eyes widen by the boy who has his hands tied together by the rope! It must be Rickon Stark who else would he have like that! As Ramsay dismounts his horse he steps next to Rickon and pulls his dagger out while my horse goes from side to side with some snorts! He won't kill a child right?! Who am I kidding Rickon is a true born son of Eddard Stark as long as he is alive the North will never truly follow him! 

As he lowers the dagger, he cuts the robe from around Rickon's hands before he slowly starts to walk towards us, don't run you fucking fool run! And soon Rickon starts to run but I send my horse into a gallop as I see Ramsay grab a bow as he readies his arrow! 

Galloping over the field I see an arrow and next to Rickon and it only makes me try to let my horse move faster and faster!  Seeing the second arrow land beside Rickon I have about 50 more yards to go before I can reach him and I hold my hand already out, I need to be quick and pull him on the horse before he get's shot! 

"Zig Zag you bloody fool!" I yell but I think it fell to deaf ears as Rickon looks behind him when another arrow lands slightly behind him. 

Getting closer and closer soon I feel his  hand  try to grab mine but just as I am about to pull him onto the horse a arrow flies into his back making the boy fall to the ground while my horse comes to a stop. Looking down I see the boy laying on the ground with a arrow sticking through his chest as a gasp leaves his lips before he dies. 

"This is what you do! Kill little boys! You are no Lord you are a coward! Who rapes girls! Who kills for fun! You are a monster Ramsay Snow and when I am done with you... your name will never be heard of again! It will not go down in history DO YOU HEAR M-" I yell his way before a loud roar is being heard as the ground beside me shakes making me turn my head around only to let complete surprise take over me.

"Rhaegal?" I say in surprise and the dragon turns it's head in my direction, why is he here! Where is Daenerys than?! "Why are you here?" I ask him but he turns back towards the Bolton army before flapping his wings. 

"Y-you came to help me?" I ask him as I dismount my horse before a shit tone of arrows fly our way and they just bounce of off the green and bronze scales of Rhaegal as he moves to protectively stand in front of me as he screeches towards the Bolton army while my horse in now long gone! 

Letting my hand move over his scales he looks over his shoulder and when his golden/bronze like eyes bore into my own I probably do the most stupid thing in the known history as I start to climb on top of him while his eyes stay on mine?! 


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