Part 51

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Jason's Pov, 

A Fortnight Later, 

Walking into Dragon Stone I don't know if I should let a smile grow on my face or if I should start sighing.  I am wearing a hood because I don't know a part of me is dreading when she is going to see my hair and my eyes, when Tyrion is going to see it and I have to explain everything to them. At least Missandei knows Edwin he told her I've arrived and now on order of the queen we are being led to the Painted Table room? 

As we walk into the room soon my rage takes over me as I push past Edwin and my mom before grabbing Ellaria by her neck and lifting her off of the ground. "You killed her! You killed a innocent girl... she was kind and smart she wasn't like her mother!" I almost yell her way as her wide eyes try to meet mine and her hands try to take mine off of her neck. 

"Maekar!" Mom yell and I release a roar as I throw Ellaria away from me making her crash into the ground. "Maekar? Who is Maekar... Edwin you sailed here with Jason right?" The voice of Tyrion says before I hear a gasp leave his lips. 

"Alysanna Stark? But how it can't be." He says and can't this floor just eat me? Or one of the dragons? "It's been a long time Tyrion." The voice of mom says and I am thinking about walking out of this room and hiding somewhere in a dark dark cave for the rest of my life. 

"Y-your Jason's mother? But he said you died? Where is Jason anyway?!" Daenerys says and I slowly turn around as I move my hands towards the hood before I push it off and I think the whole room just fell silent! 

"Call me crazy but as far as I am aware your hair was always blonde with green eyes, not silver with purple eyes. What is going on here? " Tyrion says after some time making mom look towards Lord Varys. 

"You told him didn't you...... all those years ago you told him where I was." She speaks as I try to move forward to get him but she puts her hand on my chest. "I did. My Lady."

"Do you want to know what he did to me Lord Varys? It couldn't be much worse than what Tywin was already doing to me for weeks upon weeks right, you told King Aerys where I was and when all the lords left for Harrenhall he came to Castely Rock." She speaks as she keeps pushing me back while I see most eyes move through the room at this moment. 

"My father?" Daenerys says in some disbelief making mom give her a nod. "Yes your father, how he came in the Night through the secret tunnels at first I thought he would set me free but do you know what he did to me Lord Varys?" 

"He raped me over and over again that night, saying how Tywin wanted power and the Iron Throne and he would rather burn down Castely Rock before he would let him have a son with Lannister and Stark blood. When it was over he made his Maester wed us, he was a king no one would dare to question him if it ever came out. 9 months later my son was born and when his violet eyes met mine I did what I had to do to keep him safe. My curse linked with his changed appearance." She speaks before all eyes I think fell on me. 

"Wait your saying father wasn't your father?" Tyrion asks me and I give him a small nod while Daenerys just looks at me in shock. "No he wasn't, I-I don't know anymore Tyrion one moment I am Jason Lannister with dead parents the other moment my mother comes back and my hair and eyes change color. Tywin named me Jason and then I am being told I was named Maekar." I say as my eyes meet his and he starts to walk over to me. 

"I know you Jason or Maekar or whatever they want to call you, and in here you will always be my little brother." He says as he lays his hand on my chest and I give him a small nod before squatting down and pulling him into a hug. 

"If this is true than and I don't want to ruin the mood didn't we talk with the wrong Targaryen? If your a true born son of King Aerys than I hate to break it but your claim will always be bigger than hers." Lady Olenna speaks and it makes me and Tyrion pull apart as I stand up again. 

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