Part 40

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Cersei's Pov,

One Week Later, 

Twirling the roll around in my hand I soon hear the door open and close while my eyes remain looking out of my chambers, I have no idea what I should think of what has been sended to me. 

"Why is Uncle Kevan riding out? There is talk he is reading the Lannister A-" Jaime starts before I cut him off. "Read." I say as I hold my hand out and he takes some steps my way before taking the scroll from me. 

"The Dragon has closed the city, there is no way to slay it. If word comes out the lion is  in her den he will be slain, he is going North in hopes of bringing a Stag back to his pride." Jaime reads before he puts the roll on the table. 

"Jason is marching North? But he was going after the Targaryen?" He says as I drink from my cup of wine, the Tyrrell whore marrying my son, Jason going North, Myrcella, Joffrey and father are dead. 

"He can't get close to her you've heard the whispers that she has been under attack by these Son's of The Harpy. It was stupid to let him go Jaime what could he have done with 250 men? And now he is ordering Kevan to ready his army to march North." I state as I turn to look at him. 

"Jason is smart if he didn't think he would have a chance to kill her he would have never gone you have to trust him, and for going after Stannis is something that father should have done ages ago. We cannot let him run around North with the remains of his army, men can be bought, armies can be gained you know this what if we let him do his thing there and he marches to King's Landing in a few year with 30,000 men. Now he holds less than 7000 Jason knows that." He says and I shake my head. 

"And what if he dies? Than who will take his place?! You've given away all your claims to what is ours Jaime! What happens when Jason dies." I bite his way and he scoffs at my words. "Are you saying that out of love or because you are scared that once Jason is gone to hold the West we lose everything it gives us?" He says with a shake of his head. 

"Both we can't lose him to Jaime we just can't beside Tommen he's all we have left, but if Jason dies we may lose the Lannister Support than we have all these Kingdom's who hate us and only the Tyrrel's on our side." 

Jason's Pov, 

 I am sailing out tomorrow morning, it's a long sail towards The North we will hit shore close by the Neck where I will meet up with Uncle Kevan and our army, not all but I've ordered him to take 20,000 men with him. My forces are in total about 60/65,000 but I can't bring everyone with me it will only make Cersei more suspicious if she is it already, I'm going to war against my own family. 

Daenerys, I know she promised to not harm Tommen and I will try to reason with Cersei and Jaime but she has been here making these lands better for the people while Westeros has been in chaos for years now. And it's not just because I think she's beautiful and I'm thinking with my cock I truly believe she can make a difference. 

If they weren't my family I would not have felt so.... so torn between it, I can kill her and make sure my family stays safe or I let her live in let possibly war go back to Westeros. One way or another people will get hurt, trust will be broken as will hearts. 

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