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Daenerys's Pov, 

Some Weeks Later. 

Walking towards the Throne room I take a deep breath, this is everything I wished for so long and yet after everything that has happend to get here. I do not know..... other things in life have brought me more happines..... friends that I can trust with everything..... the dragons being born and just the bond we share..................... Jason the boy I craved and Maekar the man I love....... our child that is growing in my stomach in some months he or she will be born.

Or the chance that I was able to speak with my brothers.... with my father. I've heard the stories about him about the Mad King who was another mad Targaryen and yet when I spoke to them they were nothing like that.... Viserys was like the boy I remembered and not the cruel, arrogant and naive man he turnend into. 

And in the end it turned out that The Three-eyed Raven was behind it all..... that for years upon years he had been playing my ancestors like puppets, they weren't mad.... they were forced to do these things. Rhaegar loved Ellia and their children and yet he was forced to take Lyanna Stark..... our father wasn't a mad man who wished to burn everyone or was paranoid he was forced to be that way by the voice of the Three-eyed Raven in his head. They are gone now but one day we will see them again..... all of them. 

Seeing the large doors being opened the many lords and ladies have gathered in the Throne Room and I see the two lines of soldiers lead towards the Iron Throne..... the chair that was my ancestors..... the chair that one day will be that of the child in my stomach. Laying my hand over my stomach that's slowly but surely growing I see Tyrion give me a small smile as he stands next to Edwin and Grey Worm at the steps that lead towards the Iron Throne. 

Letting my eyes move up towards the broken window I release a sigh. "They still haven't fixed that?" Maekar says as he walks beside me with a tilt of his head...... Cersei had wild fire hidden all through the city, when Maekar jumped out of the window with her they landed on the beach she didn't survive it but he being the Wolf of The North did.... it was scary to think she could have blown up King's Landing just like Bran wished for my father to do..... I forgive Jaime for what he did my father is at ease now, no longer haunted by the voices and even if I only heard stories off Cersei I hope so is she now with her children.

"Come on, you are missing something on your head." Maekar says as I loop my arm around his and we start to walk into the throne room. As we slowly but surely make our way towards the Iron Throne I see nerves slowly take over him. 

Walking by the many faces we soon reach the Iron Throne making us walk up the few steps before we turn around and I let go of Maekar's arm as I take a step down again and take the crown from Tyrion. 

"Maekar Targaryen second of his name, the King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm of Westeros. The Wolf of the North, The ender of the Night King, The Promised Prince." I say as I look at my husband with a smile before he leans his head down and I place the crown on his head. 

Seeing him walk towards Missandei she takes the crown from her and turns back to me with a smile on his lips. 

"Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons." He says with his smile before he places the crown on my head and we turn back towards the people in front of us who all start to clap and cheer. 

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