Part 60

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Jason's/ Maekar's Pov, 

That Night. 

Seeing Winterfell come into view I release a breath I didn't know I was holding the army is still here, and the castle looks to still be standing. We flew all through the night to just make it here as quick as we could, it's months by horse and yet on Dragon back not even a day! 

Feeling Rhaegal fly down I can't wait for his feet to hit the snow not only for the reason I want to talk to Bran but also because I've been holding Ghost for hours and it's not a pleasant position! 

As his feet hit the ground I start to slide off of him with Ghost before now my feet hit the snow and I kick the air a couple of times to shake my legs lose. 

Taking a deep breath I start to walk towards Winterfell, I just wish we can win this or wish? We need to win this otherwise all will be lost. The wall is destroyed......... he can march anywhere now. But he will want more people for his army.... he will come for Winterfell now I am not sure I wish to meet him here at Winterfell...... meeting him on open field? May also not be my smartest idea but what am I supposed to do? I do not even know how large his army is, are we speaking thousands? Tens of thousands? Hundred of thousands?! Or more. 

I could rally all the armies and yet than if he holds millions, we do not hold enough....... there are more dead than living. And I don't even know how to kill them? What kills something that is already dead? 

Taking a deep breath as I hold my head high I walk through the gates of Winterfell and start my search for Bran Stark, that was his old name he said? Like what does that even mean.... well to be honest for some my old name may be Jason Lannister it's weird to have your name changed from one day to the other..... well not only my name changed everything changed. I am not Lord of Castely Rock, I am not the son of Tywin Lannister. 

I am King Maekar Targaryen second of his name and all those other titles, Son of Aerys Targaryen............ and Alysanna Stark. And I wed Daenerys Targaryen I love her I truly do and maybe it does help that we did not grow up together...... we share the same father but I don't know I just wish her? 

I know I kissed Sansa or well Sansa kissed me before I left but when I saw her again I just knew......... even if my head may not like it my heart just craves her. Maybe we were almost meant to be? She was supposed to be mine and I was supposed to be hers....... like Aerys and Tywin wed us off before she was even born.... and even if Aerys knew about me and took me to King's Landing there is still a chance, he would have made me and Daenerys wed since me and her are closer in age than she and Viserys was. One way or another I think our paths would have always intertwined. 

Making my way into the Great Hall of Winterfell I take a deep breath as I soon see many eyes fall on me while Sansa sits on the head of the table with a girl next to her and a boy on her other side. 

"Jason." Sansa breaths out in relief and I give her a small nod. "See with all the armies we can shove the frozen fucke-" 

"It's just me." I say as I cut one of the lords off. "Just you?! I am sorry your grace but how do we wish to take the frozen fucker down!" He says and I look towards the boy well he looks like Bran. 

"The wall has fallen.......... the armies are too far away to get here in time. If we have to wait for them the Night King will have already made us all part of his army. This.... is all we've got for now." I speak as I walk more and more towards the table where Sansa now stands. 

"It's my pleasure to see you again, Maekar." Bran says but like with no emotion in his voice or on his face as he does a small bow. "Wait you've two met?" Sansa asks with some confusion. 

"You uhm could say something like that............... we need to speak Bran." I say and he gives me a nod as he moves his wheelchair from behind the table. He's a cripple? But I saw him stand?! He can stand than? but not now? I'm just confused about many things at this moment. 

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