Part 19

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Jason's Pov, 

Seeing father write the many letters to some Lords we may be able to buy on our side I release a sigh. "If you wish to speak than speak." He says as he continues to write and even if I do ask him the answer is always the same and that is no answer. So let's ask him a new one. 

"Why am I your heir and not Tyrion, sure he whores around, but he is older than I am." I say making him slightly look up at me before looking back at the letter. "Tyrion is vile, killed his mother, and is not fit to lead." 

"But did my mother not die when she gave birth." I say with a frown like sure I am not saying Tyrion is perfect because none of us are but to hold that against him? My mother died when she gave birth of me and he never blamed me for it. "She died giving me a strong heir, a boy who is worthy of the name Lannister. Tyrion's mother died so she could give life to that abomination." He says as I look at him with a frow as he pours the wax on the letter before stamping it with the Hand Sigil. 

"Why do we no-"
"Not this again Jason, I have told you many times there is nothing to say about her she is dead that's all that matters." He says as he is quick to cut me off as he grabs another peice of paper and I hesitantly nod my head. 

"Did the Bolton's and the Starks not fight for thousands of years before Aegon became King, maybe they would rather be Warden of the North." I say as I look at him and he let's a smirk appear on his face. "And this is why you are my heir, I already sent word to Roose Bolton." He says and I give him a nod. 

"What about the Frey's last I heard was that the Pup was supposed to wed one of his daughters and did he now not wed some girl? Walder Frey is a proud fool who will wish to avenge this disrespect to his house." 

"Who do you think I am writing to at this moment?" He asks and I release a chuckle. "Walder Frey, this war has been going on to long, the men are tired, Jaime should be halfway back here after his escape." 

"You believe him to still be alive?" He asks and I nod my head, we've all heard of Jaime's escape but so far no one has seen him yet. "Jaime is maybe an honorable fool but he is also a smart fool, he will be back before we know it and then we can end this bloody war." I say as I grab my glass and take a large sip from the water. 

"Sometimes it worries me that my youngest is wiser than my oldest." He says as I get up and let a smirk grow on my face. "Thank you for the compliment you know many think I am just a handsome face but there are also some brains in my head those who must have come from you father, now if you excuse me I have places to be things to do." I say before walking away from him.  


Laying on the bed while I feel the head of Margaery move on my chest I release a sigh. "What troubles you." 

"Nothing." I say making her raise her head as she looks at me with a raised brow. "When you sigh like that it is hard to believe there is nothing wrong." She says and I shrug my shoulders as I move to get out the bed. "I wish would wish that people would stop lying to me." I mumble as I put my trousers on before grabbing my jacket off the ground. 

"And what are people lying about?" She asks as I feel her naked chest against my back as she wraps her arms around me. "It doesn't matter, my father lies, my siblings lie, everyone just lies about it." I say as I take her hands off my body and step away before putting my jacket on. 

"Just don't." I say as she gets ready to speak and I grab my boots up before putting them on as I shake my head. "We just fuck that's it, nothing more we don't talk about problems. You wish to fuck you find me I wish to fuck I come to find you." I say and she raises her brow at me. 

"There was a time I wished for my father to betroth me to you." She says and I scoff at her words. "And then came the time when you wished to be Queen more but it does not matter you will be Queen and I am my father's heir." I say as I start to button up my jacket while she moves to sit back down on the bed naked. 

"You did not wish to wed me? I have always been just a fuck for you." She says and I shrug my shoulders. "I will wed who my father sees right for me to wed and clearly that is not you as you are to wed Joffrey and I am allowed to run around like a free man still." I say as I look at her with a raised brow before looking back at the buttons of my jacket. 

"I heard my grandmother once speak that you where betrothed." She says and I let a frown grow on my face as I look at her with a small tilt of my head. "What?" 

"I don't know she said that even when your betroyal ended it still worked out for him, that is all I know of it." She says and I am quick to start walking out of the room while I am now on a mission to find Lady Olenna. 

I was once betrothed?! I never heard anyone speak of it? I did not even know of it myself! Everyone is keeping secrets from me and I am done with it I wish to have at least some answers! 


Seeing Lady Olenna and Varys of course walk together through the gardens I run over to them before coming to a stop 5 feet in front of them. "My L-" Varys starts but I am quick to cut him off. 

"The truth now! You know who my betrothed was, you know who my mother was I want the truth! I want for you all to stop lying to me and tell me who I am!" I bite there was as I feel the anger fill my body with the increasing heat as I have t bite back the fur ball at this moment. 

"You are Jason of house Lannister, Son of Tywin Lannister and Heir to Castely Rock and The West." Lady Olenna says, and I let my hard eyes meet hers. "I know that tell me something I do not know... like who she was.... who my mother was?! Who this girl was who I was supposed to wed." I bite her way before Varys speaks. 

"If we could tell you we would Jason, one day you will kn-"
"I don't want to wait for one day! I want to know it now.... why can't no one tell me about her?" I loudly say before it turns into a whisper as I shake my head to keep my tears at bay. "Because some truths will start wars, Young Lion.  One day when the time is right you will know who your mother was, who the girl you were supposed to wed was but it is not now." Lady Olenna says almost apologetically while I shake my head. 

"So you are saying if I find out who my mother is I would go to war? Or people would wage war against me?" 

"Maybe both, maybe the whole realm would break out into war again like it has now. It is a risk we can not take, my Lord." Varys says and I let my eyes soften as I look at the both of them. Taking a deep breath I just want to ask them one thing I hope they can answer, they won't tell me her name, they won't tell me who the girl was I was supposed to wed, but maybe they can tell me this. 

"Did he love her?" I softly ask making the two look between eachother before Lord Varys shakes his head and I start waking away from them, so I was born not even out of love. I was born out of what rape? hate? Just a fuck? This is why Margaery knows to drink Moon Tea I can scent it when she drinks it, if she does not I will not sleep with her anymore it is not worth the risk, either for her to fall with child that than will be like me or that she get's called a whore for sleeping with a man who is not her husband. 

Author's note,

Oof the update after update but I will post till chapter 23 after that its like the normal shedule!

Monday: The Golden Stag.

Theusday : Fenrir Wolf's Kissed.

Wednesday: The Young Lion.

Thursday: Ghost of Chaos.

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