Part 9.

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Jason's Pov, 

Some Time Later. 

Location: King's Landing. 

The Journey went well I would like to say if we ignore the Hill men and the nagging of Tyrion, but ow well at least we made it back in time for Joffrey's name day. I think I just puked in my mouth I love Myrcella and Tommen but Joffrey is something they must have dragged up from one of the hells. 

He is just something else that is why I did not bother to go see him like Tyrion but I got my men settled in while I am right now making my way towards the Small Council Room, am I apart off the small council? No but like father said I should show them that House Lannister holds all the cards at this moment, and that one day I will be Lord of The Rock and Warden of the West. 

"What are you doing here?" Cersei asks as Tyrion takes a seat and I slowly walk into the room this will not end well for Tyrion. "It's been a remarkable journey.  pissed off the edge of the Wall, I slept in a sky cell. I fought with the hill tribes. So many adventures, so much to be thankful for." Tyrion speaks as he grabs a glass and fills it with some wine and I can't stop the chuckle that left my lips. 

"Ow please continue Tyrion." I say as I walk over to Cersei. "You look more beautiful with every passing day." I say as I lean down and place a kiss on her cheek while I get a gentle smile before it turns back towards the cold look as she turns towards Tyrion. 

"And this one, fought with Jaime at the Golden Tooth, killed thousands of Stark men before they where able to cross the Twins and has fought bravely at the last battle before he was knighted." Tyrion says as he points at me and I place my hands on the hilt of my sword as I stand there. 

"What are you doing here? This is the small council." Cersei almost asks through gritted teeth and poor Tyrion, but well he does have a smuggnes around himself at this moment. 

"Yes., well, I, do believe the Hand of the King is welcome at all small council meetings." 

"Our father is Hand of the King." Cersei counters making Tyrion take the piece of paper out of his pocket before handing it to Lord Varys. "Your father has named Lord Tyrion to serve as Hand in his stead while he fights -" Lord Varys reads before he get's cut off by a fuming Cersei who shoots up. 

" Out! All of you out." She yells making them quickly get up before walking out while I grab a glass and fill it with some wine while I think she is ready to trow Tyrion off the tower right now. 

" I would like to know how you tricked father into this." Cersei says as she moves towards Tyrion before taking a seat. "If I were capable of tricking father, I'd be emperor of the world by now. You brought this on yourself." He counters and I nod my head. 

"Or his heir, but Tyrion is here to why was it again ow yeah you fucked up." I say before taking another sip from my wine while my sister now sends a glare my way. "I've done nothing." She says and yeah that's the point!

"Quite right. You did nothing when your son called for Ned Stark's head. Now the entire North has risen up against us." Tyrion says and I point at him in agreement. "Yeah nasty things those pups from the North and your son killed the papa pup." I say before Cersei speaks. 

"I tried to stop it." 

"Did you? You failed. That bit of theater will haunt our family for a generation." Tyrion says before Cersei speaks again. "Robb Stark is a boy." 

"And yet he is only 2 years younger than Jason who has proven his strength many times in this short time. Robb Stark has won every battle he has fought, do you know we are losing this war?" 

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