"Hey!" Mirana pushes Jackson's shoulder as the man chuckles. "But no, I'm not going to call him"

"Why not?" Lucy asks. "I would"

"Here you go then," Mirana hands her the card.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna frame this," Lucy says. "What happened with the grow house?"

"Tim was so convinced we caught another reversal, he pried open the bear trap," Mirana says. "It was a horror scene"

"That's tough, not as bad as the helplessness in that kid's eyes," Jackson says before glancing at Nolan. "What about you? Good day? Bad day?"

"I had to pry a psycho off a valet at a five-star hotel. Uh, her dress ripped as I was cuffing her, exposing her unmentionables. Boy, she was pissed," Nolan says and Mirana laughs.

"Wow," Lucy says.

"What?" Nolan asks.

"That was for sure a reversal," Jackson says,

"Yeah, dress was probably rigged. Like break-away pants," Lucy chimes in.

"That's what I thought!"

"I doubt it," Mirana shrugs.

"We're meant to be psyching him out," Jackson says.

"Thank you for not trying to do that Mirana," Nolan pats her on the shoulder. "Can I get the food to go please?"

"No, come on! Don't be like that," Lucy says with a laugh.

"No, as much as I would love to keep telling war stories - Thank you, Dez -" Nolan turns to his three friends. "I have another full day of reversals tomorrow, and this rookie needs his beauty sleep"

Nolan takes his food and walks away, waving goodbye to his fellow rookies.

"I need a drink after today," Mirana groans.

"Amen," Lucy nods.

The sound of rapid gunfire fills the air and people start to scream as the three rookies pull out their weapons before sprinting towards the source of the noise.

They run into the parking lot to find Nolan crouched down by his now smoking, bullet-riddled truck, shock written across his face.

"You okay?" Mirana asks, helping him stand up. "Any bullets knick you?"

"No, I'm fine," Nolan says.


The four rookies finish up their separate interviews before reconvening near Nolan's truck.

"The area's been canvassed," Mirana informs Nolan. "No one saw anything"

"He fired a couple hundred rounds," Nolan says.

"Yeah, no one's admitting they saw him," Lucy shrugs.

"Patrol found the car he escaped in. It was reported stolen this afternoon. SID is all over it," Jackson says.

"Who'd you piss off?"

Everyone turns to face Bishop and Tim as they approach the group.

"Clearly someone with access to heavy weaponry," Tim says.

"I didn't recognize the guy," Nolan shakes his head as Captain Andersen and Sergeant Grey approach them.

"According to intelligence, you've been greenlit by Southern Front," Andersen says.

"Greenlit?" Nolan asks.

"Means they want your head on a spike," Mirana says.

"How's a rookie get greenlit before me? I gotta step up my game," Tim says.

"It's not a badge of honour," Bishop rolls her eyes.

"Violent white supremacist gang wants you dead, you're doing something right," Angela chimes in.

"I-I'm sorry, white supremacy gang and greenlit? W-Wh- What the hell is going on?" Nolan asks and Mirana places a comforting hand on his arm.

"Normally, gangs don't target cops; more trouble than it's worth," Grey says. "Unless a cop disrespects a gang member, then all bets are off"

"You arrested a woman today. Astrid Heisserer," Andersen says.

"Her dress broke. I-I embarrassed her. I thought she was IA," Nolan stammers out.

"I know that name," Mirana frowns.

"She's the baby mama of the leader of Southern Front, one of the most violent criminal enterprises in the country," Andersen says.

"And because of how you treated her, he authorized everyone in the gang to kill you,"

"What about Talia?" Tim asks.

"Nolan is the one who put hands on her. He's the one they're after," Andersen says.

"How many Southern Front members are there?" Chen asks.

"In the greater Los Angeles area? Several thousand," Andersen says.

"And protecting you will be our number-one priority," Grey adds.

"Step one is to get you off the streets. Come with me, Nolan. I'm gonna escort you home," Andersen says.

"Ironic that the only white one out of the four of us is being targeted by white supremacists," Jackson says, his comment making Lucy and Mirana snort.

"We're going to Nolan's right?"

"I'll meet you guys there," Mirana says. "There's something that's bugging me"


Mirana and Tim root through the boxes that are stacked in the corner of Mirana's bedroom. On Tim's phone screen is the picture of Astrid Heisserer for reference.

"What are we looking for?" Tim asks.

"My yearbooks," Mirana says. "Specifically, 2010"

"Why 2010?" Tim asks.

"That's when I graduated high school," Mirana replies.

"I feel dirty," Tim says. "You're a fetus"

"When did you graduate?" Mirana asks and Tim mumbles under his breath. "What?"

"1998," Tim says, clearing his throat awkwardly. "Here it is"

Mirana takes the book from Tim, opening it before beginning to flick through the book. Her eyes scan the photos before she gets to the cheer squad.

"Aqui," Mirana points her finger. "She went by a different name back then. Chloe Jeffries. She was one of my closest friends"

"You were a cheerleader?" Tim asks.

"Yep, top of the pyramid," Mirana nods. "And Captain"

"How were you a cheerleader and still know nothing about football?" Tim asks.

"I didn't have to play the sport," Mirana shrugs. "Let me guess, you were on the football team?"

"Of course I was," Tim grins. "Weird how things work out huh?"

"A cheerleader and a football player? Sounds like a cliche romance story," Mirana says, stuffing the yearbook into her duffel bag.

"Where are you going?" Tim asks.

"Nolan's place," Mirana says. "Guard duty"

"Don't they have that covered?"

"A little extra help never hurts,"

"Alright, but get over here first,"


"You can't possibly think you're leaving walking like that do you?"

"What's wrong with my walk?"

"Nothing, and that's the problem,"

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