Chapter 20. Mellifluous

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Chapter description: depressing first half, cute second half.


Lloyd sat on the edge of a cliff, gentle rain consoling him and the chilly wind giving him a strange sort of comfort. His eyes were closed and he was too deep in his thoughts to open them and consequently bring himself back into the cold reality. He didn't exactly know how long he had been there, but he guessed quite long. Very long, actually. Probably closer to ten hours. It was probably the longest he'd spent outside after having basically run away.

But he didn't want to go back. Ever. He felt too protected by the trees around him and too consoled by the wind that made him shiver. The raw chilliness and heavenly silence gave him a serene feeling. But it also gave his mind memories to review. Happy and painful ones.


Lloyd giggled as he awoke on his 9th birthday to his mother tickling him and smiling playfully. He tried to pull the blanket over himself to hide, but the action turned against him as Misako wrapped him in the blanket like a little burrito and held him in her arms.

"Morning, wombat," she said, kissing his face.

"Morning," Lloyd grunted, trying to wiggle out of his blanket prison. The only thing his attempt managed to do was make his hair very static.

"Happy birthday, my darling," the mother congratulated. "Nine years old already. You were three just yesterday!"

Lloyd grinned, embarrassed. "Mama..."

"Do you want to know what I've been planning for today?" Misako asked, finally releasing Lloyd and letting him crawl out of the blanket.

"Yeah?" Lloyd replied.

"I thought you and I could have breakfast in the garden. Like a picnic."

"Breakfast picnic?" Lloyd questioned, grinning.

"Yeah, like that."

Lloyd nodded enthusiastically.

Misako gave him a mischievous smile. "And after that, we could go for a walk in the sakura park."

"Can we?" Lloyd asked curiously. If his memory served, they had strict rules when it came to leaving the safety of the palace.

"I don't think we have anyone stopping us," Misako responded. "The sakura park is safe, and if a guard or that bory, old Clouse tries to prevent us, I can just give them the good old king-hit and they'll be out for the duration of the walk."

Lloyd giggled. He could imagine what Clouse's face would look like if he discovered their plans.

"Will Dad come with us?" Lloyd asked as he got up, passed by his godly drum kit, stupid violin, loyal drawing table, and stopped by his mirror to grab the hairbrush and do something about his excited hair.

"I'm afraid dad's too busy. The unemployment crisis is keeping him occupied," Misako explained. "But, we'll drag him with us next time. And he'll join us for lunch, after which the Spencers and your grandfather will come to celebrate your birthday with you. Your uncle and Morro are also coming back from the countryside."

Lloyd smiled widely. The thought of getting to throw a proper party with Morro and James was too good not to grin at. He'd been planning the celebration with his cousin and friend for weeks over the phone. And all that could be said was that there would be a pyramid of candy and minimum amount of sleeping.

Once Lloyd was dressed in a hoodie and jeans and his hair was somewhat tamed, Misako came to give him a present.

Lloyd frowned. "Mama, I usually open presents in the afternoon."

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