Chapter 9: Before The Banquet [2]

Start from the beginning

Mathias wondered which would be the lesser of two evils.

"Don't think too much about it, okay?" Evan said softly, interrupting Mathias' train of thought. "Let's just make the best of this situation. We can't do anything about it now. Blaming anyone will only prove fruitless. Just focus on surviving and saving the people around us. That's what I think is the most important."

Before Mathias could respond, the door to the private room suddenly slammed open. The two of them stood there in stunned silence before a figure suddenly rushed towards Evan, encasing him in a tight hug.

"Evaaaan!" a familiar voice exclaimed. "I missed you!"

"Ansel?" Evan said in delight, hugging him back eagerly. "How is it that you keep looking more handsome than the last time we met?"

Ansel laughed out loud. He was a twenty-year-old boy with chestnut brown hair and friendly brown eyes. He had this natural innocence that drew people to him unconsciously. "You only have good things to say about me whenever we meet," he remarked, though he did look pleased at being praised.

"He was so excited on our way here," someone nearby spoke up in amusement. "The carriage was practically shaking from his enthusiasm. He even said that he wouldn't miss your wedding for the world."

Evan laughed. "Thank you for coming, Gideon," he greeted, also giving the man a warm hug.

"I'm happy to see you," Gideon said with a smile. He was a tall man with dark brown hair and dark eyes. He also wore glasses which gave him a somewhat scholarly look. "I got your message and arrived as early as I could."

"Thank you," Evan said happily.

"Hey. Long time no see."

Mathias turned around at the sound of another familiar voice, having felt a hand rest on his shoulder.

"Oh, Clay!" he exclaimed. He gave the man a brief hug as a greeting. "It's been a while since we last heard from you."

"Yeah. Sorry about that." Clay rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. He was a large, bulky man with silver hair and tanned skin. His features were rigid and intimidating, but his eyes were warm. "I've been traveling a lot lately."

"What about your wife?"

"She's not my wife," Clay said, but his cheeks were flushed in embarrassment.

"Yet," Mathias said with a snicker. The others laughed along in the background.

Clay growled at them, but it was hard to get scared of him when he was still blushing furiously.

"Where's big sis Ely?" Ansel asked curiously.

"Hey, she's not 'big sis' anymore. With this banquet, she has practically become the Princess already," Clay pointed out. "So you should address her formally from now on, kid."

Evan laughed. "No worries. She won't mind whatever you call her. She's still busy discussing something with my mother, so she'll be late."

"Oh, I see," Ansel said, nodding in understanding. "What about Voss and Blade?"

"I asked them to do something on my behalf," Evan said. "They'll be here in time for the banquet. Unfortunately, they can't join this discussion right now."

The room instantly fell silent, and the tension was slowly sifting into the atmosphere. Everyone knew what they needed to talk about next, but the topic itself was daunting. They still found it hard to believe, honestly.

However, they needed to do this as soon as possible. After all, going into battle without a plan was suicide.

"Back to the matter at hand then," Clay said, his earlier embarrassment disappearing completely, replaced by his usual stern expression. "How exactly did this Otherworlder come to Angelbay City?"

Gideon's face was filled with worry. "Your Highness, are you absolutely certain that he's a foreigner from another world? There's a possibility that you might just be mistaken, right?"

"As much as I would like that to be true... no." Evan shook his head solemnly. "I am sure about this. There is no mistake."

He opened his palm and conjured a sphere from thin air. It glowed with a holy light, preventing anyone from seeing what was on the inside.

"Earlier, before I came here, I went to the royal family's private archives to confirm my suspicions, and it seems that I am indeed correct," Evan said gravely. "Once you guys see this, I'm sure that you'll agree with me as well."

He let the sphere dissipate into the air, revealing the object that was encased inside of it.

A blue butterfly.

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