part 2

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Another week had passed, Jessica noticed that her father seemed to be more busy than usual.

As a loving father, Bill always presented at home for dinner. However, recently he only got home at very late or odd hours, as if he was avoiding something or...someone.

Jessica could feel that Nicole was unpleased as well. She kept on asking Jessica what time her father would get home, only to be disappointed by the news.

Another week had passed, Nicole came to Jessica's bedroom at night to tell her that she wanted to get a job.

"I can't just stay here freeriding on you and your parents' kindness Jessica" Nicole said. "If I stay, at least I want to pay rent. Getting a job is the start for me".

Jessica could sympathize with her friend. A famous philanthropic saying was "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime".

"However, it is easier said than done." Nicole continued "I don't have a secondary education like you nor having a chance to attend college. The only work I can do is secretary but no one will hire a person like me".

Jessica felt sad just by hearing this. Her friend was right, while she would have a future full of privileges and possibilities, Nicole would have none. If only Jessica could do anything to help.

"I only know Mr Giles. If I can work as his secretary even just for a short time, it will open a gate for my future" Nicole almost cried.

"If that's what you want, that you will have dear" Jessica hugged her poor friend. She was more convinced than ever to give her lovely friend the best career start.

Nicole smirked after Jessica's back.

Unlike what Jessica thought, convincing her father to accept Nicole as his private secretary wasn't an easy task. Her father kept on refusing her proposal.

"Dad, It's just for a year. You can't save her life and then just leave her like that" Jessica almost yelled at her father after his fifth refuses.

"You don't understand Jessica, you don't," Bill replied, hopelessly begging his daughter to withdraw the idea.

"If you don't want me to hate you forever, this is my one and only request" Jessica played her trump card.

"Fine, if that is what you truly wish for" Bill gave in. He reluctantly agreed to whatever fate would come.


Nicole had been working as Bill's secretary since then. The evening after Nicole's first day at work, while the two of them were cuddling in Jessica's bed, Nicole said "I saw this guy at your father's company and I need your advice Jessie".

A goddess like Nicole needed her advice!? Jessica was shocked and happy at the same time. Was it the sign that Nicole considered her as a best friend to confide love stories?

"Yes, my dear" Jessica said.

"He's very similar to your father" Nicole smiled mysteriously "I wonder if you can teach me about what your father likes? It may work on this guy perhaps".

"Oh, if that's the case, I have plenty of things to tell you" Jessica joyfully replied. Nicole falled for a guy just like her father? Wasn't it perfect since there was finally something that Jessica could teach back to her beloved friend.

A week later, while prepping for SAT at the school's library, Jessica received a text message from Nicole.

"It works" the message said, attached along is a picture of Nicole sitting on the lap of a 6-pack hunk, both of them were naked. The face of the guy was cropped out of the picture but Jessica could still tell that this guy was strikingly similar to her dad, just as Nicole described.

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