Of Y/n Nikos

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Y/n pov

Arriving at Beacon, things weren't much better. The Grimm were running rampant and the White Fang were just everywhere. Their stolen Atlas mechs fighting some of the students. But that rabbit girl, Velvet had dealt with them. Good, one less thing to worry about.

   I looked up at the tower, seeing flames spewing from the now broken windows. My guess, whoever is responsible for this is up there. I ran for the elevator shaft. I kept moving. Not stopping for anything, be it Grimm or White Fang goon.

   Eventually reaching the elevator shaft, I looked up to see the elevator was gone. No cable either so it's probably destroyed.

Y/n:"Fuck. I'm gonna have to do this the hard way aren't I?"

And with that, I began to climb up the elevator.

Pyrrha POV

Cinder was behind the attack. I never understood how one person could be so malicious. To condemn thousands of innocent people to their deaths. And for what?

   We continued fighting. Slashing, stabbing, bashing and burning. It seems neither of us was willing to give in. I was getting tired fast however. Most fights I'm in are usually over by now.

   I tried to slash her, but Cinder was good. She managed to dodge before sending a volley of fireballs at me. I could feel my shield starting to melt from the heat. If only I had some ice dust.

   Cinder tried to stab me, but I used my semblance to force her sword away. The blade harmlessly sailing to my left. She continued to try hacking and slashing, but I was always able to keep her sword away from me.

   Panting, I took one final last ditch effort, and threw one of the giant gears on the floor at her using my semblance. Unfortunately, it missed. Sailing harmlessly over her head. I didn't have time to register that before she kicked me in the chest.

   Rolling out of the way of her downward thrust, I kicked her in the leg before springing back up to my feet. I was exhausted, and she was barely even panting.

Cinder:"The invincible girl. Not so invincible now, are you?"

Pyrrha:"What do you want?! Why are you doing this?!"

Cinder:"I just want to watch Remnant burn. Do I really need a reason?"

   I could hear someone climbing up the elevator shaft behind me. With luck, Cinder didn't. I just need to stay on my feet a little bit longer.

Cinder:"It's time to die Nikos. Fate was never yours to control anyway."

Pyrrha:"What are you talking about?!"

   She didn't answer. Instead, we charged each other again.

Y/n pov

   I could hear Pyrrha fighting. She was talking to a woman named Cinder. Once I get up there, whoever Cinder is, is gonna regret this.

   I continued climbing. Hand after hand, foot after foot. It was difficult, but I had managed to make a makeshift climbing tool out of a couple chunks of metal on the ground.

   I continued to climb. Jamming the hodgepodge of sharp metal and a curtain into the wall over and over again as I dragged myself higher into the elevator shaft.

   I'm not sure how long I was climbing, but when I got to the top, I saw this Cinder woman and Pyrrha. Pyrrha was panting heavily and kneeling in front of Cinder.

   Cinder had a bow aimed at Pyrrha's chest. Knowing what was about to happen, I quickly clambered out of the elevator shaft. Lunging forward, I pushed Pyrrha out of the way right as Cinder released the arrow. And I took the arrow meant for Pyrrha, right through my neck.

Pyrrha POV

Cinder:"It's over Nikos. You never could have beat me anyway."

Pyrrha:"Do you believe in destiny?"

   She didn't respond, instead just aiming her now right at my chest. My aura was drained, this was the end. Or at least, I thought it was. Until I heard Y/n shout from behind me.


   And push me out of the way. Taking the arrow meant for me. Getting up, I looked over at my brother, bleeding from his throat on the ground.


   I rushed over to him, grabbing him by the shoulders, I lifted his head into my lap. Tears streaming down my face. Choking on his own blood, he reached up towards my face, then he went limp.

Cinder:"Lucky me, I get to kill both of the Nikos siblings in one night!"

   I looked at Cinder with rage, which would soon be replaced with confusion as there was a golden glow coming from the pack he carried. It seemed to confuse Cinder as well.

   Opening the pack, revealed a small golden orb. It has parts on it's surface that were moving. Then, it began to float in the air, lifing Y/n's body with it. Both the orb, and my brother, floated for a moment. A golden energy surrounding him as the orb bummed louder and louder.

   Eventually, it stopped. To my horror, Y/n's body disappeared. For a moment, the orb simply sat there in the air before it began to hum once again. For a moment, it simply hummed before it exploded with a bright golden light. When it disappeared, Y/n and the orb were gone, and cinder was on her hands and knees. Struggling to breathe.

   As I felt my emotions swell, I felt my semblance flare up. With a scream of rage or grief, I sent everything I'm the room that was made of metal flying. Something taking Cinder with it. Then, I blacked out.

Three days later

   I woke up in a hospital room, mom was sleeping in a chair next to my bed. Trying to sit up, I groaned. That woke mom.

Erythrà:"Pyrrha! Oh thank the gods you're alright!"

Pyrrha"Mom? Where... Am I? Where's Y/n?"

Erythrà:"Pyrrha. I... I don't know how to say this. But..."

   She held out a necklace. An amulet, a mark of the Agathan Order. Y/n's mark.

Pyrrha:"No... So he's really..."

Erythrà:"Yes. I'm so sorry."

Mom pulled me into a hug. I may have lost my brother, but she also lost her son.

Y/n pov.

I was... Falling... I could hear the wind whistling in my ears. I didn't know what was happening. Opening my eyes, I simply saw white.

Alright! That's the chapter! As you can see, Y/n's journey doesn't end in Beacon. But, you already knew that. However, before I can explain anything else, I need to bring you back to the beginning. Now, not the beginning of time. That's too far. No, I just need to bring you back to the Origins of a specific group of individuals.

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