Round Two

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Y/n pov

Here we are, me and Sarah were in the elevator that takes us up to the arena.

Y/n:"Alright Sarah listen, when the bell rings I need you to put as much distance between yourself and the other team as possible."

Sarah:"Got it."

Y/n:"I'll make them focus on me, you use the grappling hook we built to get to the other side of the arena."


Y/n:"If one of them gets close you know what to do."

Sarah:"Y/n I get that you are my leader and everything, but this isn't the first time we've done this. I know what to do."

Y/n:"I know, I'm just making sure. As your leader, when this team fails, I fail. It's my job to lead us to victory."

Sarah:"And you do a great job at that. We have a better track record then every team of huntsmen in training."

   As she said that, we arrived in the arena. Our opponents were waiting for us at the top. One was a really big burly woman with a great sword on her back. The other? A guy who looked like he belonged anywhere but in a fight. He had a small axe and a shield. Most likely built for speed over anything else.
   Just like last round, I didn't pay attention to the announcements. It pisses off the other team if I don't know who they are. It makes them easier to beat, they get caught up in their own anger and become sloppy and predictable.

Y/n:"You ready Sarah?"

I asked as I looked over at her.


Y/n:"Good. Take out the scrawny one first."

   At that, the bell rang and in one fluid motion, I took Agartha's Wrath off of my back and used a wide swing. This forced both of them back as Sarah used her grappling hook to create distance. The big woman with an even bigger sword was the first to recover.

Y/n:"Y'know usually I'd make a compensation joke about having such a massive sword, but you shouldn't have anything to compensate for."

I said as I blocked the swing. She looked like she was getting angry, but not so much she would be blinded by it.

Y/n:"Not to mention, I've never seen ANYONE this muscular. You on steroids or something?"

   Still nothing. She has better control over her emotions than I thought. Usually two insults regardless of how insulting they are would be enough. Her control over her emotions made her dangerous. Someone this strong, not fueled by anger could be a real threat.
   She took another swing and I dodged back, giving the two of us some space. It was then I heard the smaller guy come rushing at me from behind. I ducked right before he hit me and he came tumbling over me, crashing into his teammate.
   Using the brief distraction he had given me, I lunged forward into both of them. Giving Sarah enough space between them to take her first shot.
   A thunderous boom sounded out as I saw the smaller guy collapse from his aura being drained from a single shot. That rifle really is a work of art.

Y/n:"You're a tough nut to crack I'll give you that."

I said to the big girl.

Y/n:"I mean, seeing your teammate go down in one and you STILL aren't angry? How do you do it?"

   I asked rhetorically, not really caring. She then decided to speak. She didn't say her name and I didn't pay attention earlier.

Big girl:"I don't!"

   She shouted as she took another swing at me. I blocked it with the bracer on my left hand and used my right to deliver a mean uppercut straight to her chin. She dropped the sword as she took the hit. So, we engaged in hand to hand combat.
   I followed my uppercut with a left hook to her jaw and tried to keep my momentum up with a kick to her left side. She saw that coming and pushed my leg away before taking a few swings of her own.
   Left, right, left, left, right, it didn't matter what she did, I wasn't going to sit there and take it. I continued to swerve around every single one of her punches. Finally, I had enough, I grabbed her by her right hand, holding her in place. I began to throw punch after punch straight into her face.
   It wasn't long before her aura had been drained and we won the round.

Dr Oobleck:"And Y/n Nikos wins the round with a flurry of punches to Brunhilde's jaw!"

Huh. So that was her name.

Sarah:"Good work. I thought she had you for a second there."

Y/n:"Pssh! Nah. She was pissed as all hell. It was easy to see what she was gonna do."

Sarah:"Hmm. Alright then."

Y/n:"Hey, I never asked but what is that thing chambered in?"

Sarah:"50. BMG."

Y/n:"What?! It holds 20 rounds!"


Y/n:"And it's semi-automatic! How do you deal with the recoil?!"

Sarah:"My right arm is robotic Y/n. I told you that like size years ago."

Y/n:"Right! Right, right, right.  I must have forgotten."

We continued our conversation as we left the arena.

That's it for this chapter. Sorry it's late and sorry if the writing is kinda bad this chapter. I've got some irl stuff going on right now. Anyway, see you all in the next chapter!

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