The Start of The End

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Y/n pov

   Here I am, fighting a horde of Grimm on the streets of Vale. But, it's not just the Grimm. There's the white fang, and Atlas robots. I don't have a damn clue about what the fuck happened, but here we are. Wait... You seem confused. Let me take you back just a few hours.

Three hours earlier

   The tournament had continued on as usual, after some delay. After all, having one of the competitors getting a foot blown off by one of the students of the hosting academy will spark some debate. But, you already know that.

   Anyway, there I was, laying in my hospital bed. Waiting for a doctor to give the all clear to attach my new prosthetic foot. Watching Pyrrha face off against some girl from Atlas named Penny in the tournament. Roxanne was with me in the hospital, and mom was at the arena.

   As the fight went on for a touch longer than I expected, something happened. Pyrrha used her semblance to force a few swords to disperse and stop them from hitting her. But, they must have been attached to that Penny girl with some kind of wires as the resulting wave of Pyrrha's semblance also ripped the girl apart.

   Turns out, she wasn't a girl at all, but another robot made by Atlas. Typical, can't trust Atlas with anything. But that's neither here nor there. After that, a woman had hijacked the intercom and started going on a speech.

   This unknown woman went on and on about how the Academies are lying to us and how they can't be trusted. To be honest with us, or to protect us. It was at this point I started shouting for the doctor.

Y/n:"Doc! I need the doctor!"

   Roxanne ran out of the room, looking for said doctor. A few moments later, both her and the doctor arrived.

Y/n:"Doc, I need that foot on. Now!"

Doctor:"B-but you aren't ready! The potential consequences of putting it on early-"

Y/n:"We don't have time for me to wait! I'll use my fucking arua or something! Just get it on!"

Doctor:"Fuck. Alright. Here we go, hold your leg up."

   I wrapped both my hands around the metal bedframe as I did so. Preparing for the inevitable pain this would bring. Usually, you are hyped up on some pretty strong painkillers. But, given the fact we don't have the time to wait, I needed it now.

   Gritting my teeth and clenching the bedframe, I felt the wires that connected to my nervous system make their way into me. Struggling not to scream, I began to bend the bedframe. After a few moments, the pain subsided as my aura took over.

   Standing up, I began to put on my regular clothes.

Y/n:"Roxanne, get somewhere safe and stay there."

Roxanne:"W-what's going on?!"

Y/n:"I don't know, but you need to trust me. Get somewhere safe. Now!"

   I said before I ran out of the room. I regret not saying more. After all, I might not live long enough to see tomorrow. Making my way towards the arena, I arrived just in time to see a giant nevermore trying to break through the shield. I had stopped at the arena's armory and geared up for the fight ahead.

   I saw Pyrrha still kneeling in the center of the arena around the robot girl she had accidentally torn apart. Just then, the nevermore broke through the shield, bearing down on Pyrrha. I didn't want to sit there and watch as my sister was devoured, so I ran forward.

   Jumping over Pyrrha, I intercepted the nevermore and struck it in the neck with the business end of Agartha's Wrath. Pinning it down, I began to flood it's body with fire. Intending to burn it to ashes.

Pyrrha:"Y/n? How did you get here so fast?"

Y/n:"I don't know. All I know is that I heard the speech, forced the doctor to put the prosthetic foot on, and booked it over here."

   I had used the electric part of my semblance to improve my speed before, but never to such a degree. I don't know if it was adrenaline or something else.

Y/n:"Listen, we need to get down to the city. It's chaos down there, the Grimm AND the White Gang are attacking and neither side is discriminating between targets."

   Looking around, I saw Pyrrha's team, and the team that Yang was on, geared up and ready to fight. I figured my team would already be down in the city.

Y/n:"Where's mom?"

Jaune:"I saw your guy's mom running off. I think she went to one of the bunkers."


   I was worried. No one in the history of Remnant has ever been ballsy enough to try and take any of the cities that house one of the Academies.

Y/n:"Someone get me an uplink to the cameras. I need everyone to hear what I'm about to say."

General Ironwood:"I can handle that."

Y/n:"General Ironwood. For once, I'm glad to see you."

General Ironwood:"I'm glad to hear it. I just wish it was under better circumstances. Let's get you that uplink."

   A few moments later, I was on camera for all of Remnant to see.

Y/n:"Huntsman! It's time to make history. Evil has come to our door with bared fangs and sharpened steel. It has come, to take our lives, our families, our homes. But we will not let them! It's time we greet them with fire and fury, it's time, we show them who we are!"

   I heard a few smaller nevermores approaching from behind. Deciding I had said enough, I ran towards the broken window behind me. Then I jumped. Impaling one of the nevermores in the chest, I didn't kill it yet. I still needed it to break my fall.

   Plummeting towards the city of Vale, both me and the nevermore crashed into the middle of the street. The nevermore turning to dust as I stood up and looked around.

Y/n:"Who's next?!"

And with that, I end the chapter! I am so sorry this took so long for me to get out. Like I said, I was busy trying to find a new job and all that. I've found one and I am completely settled in so I should be able to continue the regular weekly uploads! That said, there will be a change in the day they are uploaded. With my new job came new days off. So, instead of every weekend, new chapters will be releasing on Wednesdays and Thursdays! With all that said, I shall see you all, in the next one!

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