The Fall

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Y/n pov

Y/n:"Who's next?!"

   I shouted, looking around I saw a small squadron of White Fang soldiers. Deciding to ban them from the servers of life, I sprinted towards them. I have no idea why they thought fighting me was a good idea, but they did. There was six of them, only three had guns for some reason.
   The first one came at me with an axe, trying to hit my left side. Using Agatha's Wrath, I swatted it clean out of his hands before kicking him in the gut. Grabbing him by the back of his head, I shoved Agatha's Wrath into his stomach before ripping it out. Leaving him to the Grimm.
   The rest of the group had noticed me so I decided to make this quick. Unleashing a flurry of lightning from my staff, two of them died on the spot. One of the remaining three had a gun so he opened fire. My aura tanking every shot, I ran up to him, grabbed the gun, and broke it over his head. With only two remaining, they tried to run. Deciding they can't do that while I'm alive, I pulled out mustang and shot them both.

Y/n:"Denzel? Hank? Sarah? Can anyone hear me?!"

   I said on the scroll. Hoping that whoever was responsible hadn't cut down the communications towers. I let out a massive sigh of relief as I heard them come online.

Sarah:"We hear you Y/n. What's the plan? Where are you?"

Y/n:"I'm close to the arena. Listen, make your top priority protecting the safe zones. I'm making my way towards Beacon Academy. Whoever did this probably wants to send a message."

Sarah:"Copy that. I'll let the other two know."

Y/n:"Sounds good. Stay safe out there."

Sarah:"You too Y/n. Good luck."

   With that, we hung up. Keeping true to my word, I began to make my way towards Beacon Academy. Looking up, I saw every Atlas ship firing at the Grimm. Seems Atlas is deciding to help out for once. Good.
   Continuing on my path, eventually I came across a group of Ursas. I threw Agatha's Wrath like a javelin, impaling one directly in the neck. Sprinting forward, I gripped the shaft of it and yanked the Ursa off of it's feet. Using the Wind element, I flunt it off of the staff and into another Ursa before lighting the both of them on fire.
   Spinning around, I deflected the claws of a third Ursa, sliding the staff down it's arm and between the legs. Then, I yanked the staff to the left. Taking one if it's legs clean off. I then stood on it's chest and began to thrust Agatha's Wrath into it over and over again.
   With the Ursas dead, I looked up again and saw the biggest Atlas ship firing on the others.

Y/n:"What the hell?"

   I said to myself as I began to run through the City of Vale. By the ancients I hope mom and Roxanne are safe.
   Eventually, I came across General Ironwood fighting alongside Professor Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch.

Y/n:"Ironwood! What the hell is going on?!"

General Ironwood:"Someone has taken control of one of my ships!"

Y/n:"No shit Sherlock! How?!"

   He didn't have an answer for that, so I just kept on my way to Beacon. Cutting down Grimm and White Fang alike.
   Things just kept getting worse as a giant winged Grimm went flying over Vale. I decided that thing needed to die, so I got it's attention. Picking up a rifle off the ground, I took aim. Leading the shot, holding my breath beforehand, and firing, I took out one of it's eyes. It didn't seem to like that very much as it turned and looked at me. There was some kind of goo dripping off of it that seemed to create more Grimm wherever it touched.
   Switching Agatha's Wrath to fire, I set the street ablaze. Incinerating the Grimm, and hopefully the goo making them. This Grimm dragon or whatever it was, decided it had enough of me and landed. Well, I had enough of it too.

Y/n:"Come on you big bastard. Let's dance!"

   I said as I ran straight at it. It might seem suicidal, but I couldn't really think of any other way to deal with this thing. As I approached, it tried to snap me in half with it's jaws, but it would find nothing but dust and air as I slid underneath it. Slashing it's stomach, it let out a pained roar as I rolled out from under it and jammed my staff into it's bad eye.
   It didn't like that very much as it whipped towards me, knocking me into a nearby building. Groaning, I stood up. It was clear neither of us liked each other very much and I wanted this thing gone. Charging it again, it anticipated my slide but would be surprised when I jumped right into it's mouth. Jamming Agatha's Wrath into it's mouth to hold it open, I whipped out Mustang and Sally and emptied both mags into it's stomach.
   Once they were empty, I gripped the shaft of my staff and jumped out. It struggled to let out a roar. Clearly I fucked it up inside with that. This thing was smart however, and I wouldn't be able to get away with that again.
   Running off to the side, I jumped on top of a car then used that car to get directly above it. Now, as it looked up at me, mouth agape, razor sharp teeth ready to tear me to shreds, I looked down at it. Anger in my eyes and hatred in my soul. I primed Agatha's Wrath, and threw it like a spear into it's open maw. It closed it's mouth as the staff entered and I used it's head to spring off of it and land on the street behind it.
   I could hear it, the staff charging for a moment before the core let out a large burst of energy from all four dust crystals. Looking back, there was a gaping hole in the creatures midsection, and my staff laid in the center of it.
   Retrieving Agatha's Wrath, I continued my way to Beacon.

Hello everybody! So sorry, I meant to have this chapter out yesterday but I was struggling to write this chapter. Anyway, it's here now. So, I hope you enjoyed, and I shall see you next time!

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