An Interview

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Y/n pov

   I approached the announcers booth of the arena. Doctor Oobleck wanted to interview all of the contestants that would be going to the final round in the tournament this year.

Y/n:"I don't mean to be rude, but can we make this quick? I promised my lady a steak dinner tonight and I refuse to be late to that."

Doctor Oobleck:"Ah! So the young Y/n Nikos has indeed had his heart stolen! Might we hear a bit more about this young woman?"

Y/n:"No. I don't want her getting swarmed by people simply for being my girlfriend."

Doctor Oobleck:"Fair enough. Anyway! Onto the questions. Firstly: Who do you think will be the last two gladiators standing in this year's tournament?"

Y/n:"Without a doubt in my mind, it's going to be between me and Pyrrha."

I said honestly. Why wouldn't it be? I've won the last two and Pyrrha has never lost a sanctioned fight before.

Doctor Oobleck:"And how do you think that final fight is going to go? In your favor or in hers?"

Y/n:"I like my chances. Now, I'm not saying that because I think I'm a better fighter or anything. But tell me, what is my sister's semblance?"

Doctor Oobleck:"I must admit I am unsure. She has done an exemplary job at keeping it a secret."

Y/n:"Exactly. As far as I know, there are only two people on Remnant that know my sister's semblance. Me, and our mother."

Doctor Oobleck:"Ah! A key piece of knowledge. You know what she can do, therefore you know a way to best her in the ring."

Y/n:"Precisely. Now don't get me wrong. That fight will in no way be easy, but I think I'll come out on top in the end."

I said honestly. Doctor Oobleck had a look of curiosity on his face. He had more questions obviously.

Doctor Oobleck:"Now, before we continue on with the tournament I must confess. Your life before the Nikos family is quite the mystery. Would you mind giving us some details?"

Somehow, I knew this was coming.

Y/n:"Sure. Why not. I don't know my biological parents. But the first group of people to adopt me loved me. For a time. They brought me in, raised me, took care of me. Things like that. Until the mother of the family died."

Doctor Oobleck:"What happened then?"

Y/n:"Well, the beatings started. I had been chained to a wall in the attic most of the time. Usually to make me an easier target. When I wasn't chained up in the attic I was tied to a post in the front yard."

Doctor Oobleck:"Hmm. A rather unfortunate tale. Please continue."

Y/n:"I can't even say I was treated like a dog. The actual dog was treated better than me."

Doctor Oobleck:"But despite all that, you escaped. You found the Nikos family, and you have risen to a level of fame most can only dream of."

Y/n:"That I have. But I'm not doing it for the game or the money. Or even to prove someone wrong. No, let me ask you something Doctor. How many children do you think are out there like me?"

Doctor Oobleck:"Like you?"

Y/n:"A faunus, abused and alone, wondering why the world has to be so cruel when they haven't even done anything. I still have nightmares about the abuse I suffered and I was lucky. I got out, I escaped an abusive home and found something far better."

Doctor Oobleck:"Of course you did."

Y/n:"But what about the ones who aren't so lucky? Who are still stuck in their abusive homes? Who feel they can't escape? Who have given up hope that help is coming? No, I do what I do to give them hope. Because if I can inspire even one child like me to rise up, to strive for better, to become better, to prove everyone who said they would never be anything wrong. The that's good enough for me."

Doctor Oobleck:"Interesting. You view the struggles you went through and what you have accomplished today as a pillar of hope for those who's lives have been like yours."

Y/n:"Yes, and I strive to one day build a haven. Where those children, human or faunus, can go. To live without worry of their father coming home drunk, to not have to wonder if they would be able to eat, to not have to worry about their mother leaving them home alone so they could spend a night on the town. Everything I do, I do for those children who feel like it's hopeless."

Doctor Oobleck:"What an inspiring speech young man. However it seems we are out of time. I look forward to seeing the final round of the tournament."

Getting up from my seat, I shook Doctor Oobleck's hand and turned to walk away.

Y/n:"I'll be sure to make it a good show."

And with that, I left the announcers booth.

Hey everyone! The new chapter is on time for once! I hope you enjoyed as I really struggled to write this one. Might go back through a rewrite this chapter in the future. Anyway, I shall see you in the next one!

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