It's Always Something.

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Y/n pov

   So we decided on guard duty. After Sarah got Hank to calm down about his ice cream. I swear, we can't get anything done when he wants ice cream. He's like a goddamn 4 year old.
   Anyway, we were packing up our mission essentials for the trip to a small remote village for guard duty until they got their defenses set up. What essentials you may ask? Bullets, dust, a shitton of granola bars. Things like that.

Hank:"Anyone looking for whetstones?"

Denzel:"Over here!"

   I heard Hank and Denzel say as Hank tossed him a small pouch of whetstones. I heard Denzel thud. He must have missed the catch.

Denzel:"Oum dammit Hank! You know I can't catch for shit!"

Hank:"I know. That's why I throw things to ya!"

Sarah:"Honestly Hank. Not only are you lactose intolerant with an insatiable appetite for ice cream, but also an arse hole as well."

Y/n:"It's Hank. What did you expect?"

Sarah:"Fair enough."

Hank:"Hey! I'd take offense to that if it weren't true!"

Y/n:"Hank, the last thing on my mind is offending you."

   I said as I stood up and slung my travel bag over my shoulder.

Y/n:"Everyone got everything? Good, let's go."

   I said as we all started walking down to the bullheads. After we got outside I could hear a siren in the distance.

Y/n:"You guys hear that?"

Denzel:"Hear what?"

Sarah:"I hear it. It sounds like... Vale's alarm."

Y/n:"Shit! To the bullhead! Now!"

   I ordered as we broke out into a sprint towards the bullhead. Gettinf in I rushed to the pilot.

Y/n:"New plan. Get us to Vale. Now!"

   I shouted at the pilot as we took our seats and made our way to Vale.

Sarah:"Why would the sirens be going off? I thought the city was secure!"

Denzel:"Guess not. Something must have happened."

   I heard my team discussing what could be going on. As we arrived at the city I saw that Grimm had flodded the streets.

Y/n:"Let us out here!"

Pilot:"You sure? I can find somewhere a little less hot for a landing zone."

Y/n:"Positive. Let us out."

   As I said that, the rest of my team stood up and we opened the door. Looking down, it was chaos. People were running for their lives as the Grimm rampaged across the city.

Y/n:"Alright Ladies and Gentleman! Focus on civillian protection, a city needs it's people to be called a city after all."

   I said as I was the first one to jump from the bullhead. Landing directly onto a beowulf, Agartha's Wrath in hand and pierced it's skull. It would seem it's pack didn't like that very much as I was soon the target of their anger.
   The first beowulf lunged at me, so I ducked and watched as it sailed harmlessly over me before I gave it a face full of lightning. Two more beowulves charged before they had been thrown back from a powerful gust of wind, courtsey of the air dust crystal in Agartha's Wrath.
   One of the two beowulves had been impaled on Denzel's sword, the steel blade protruding from it's chest. The other one, had been taken out with a precision shot from above, thanks to Sarah and her rifle.
   I turned around and saw Hank chocking the first beowulf to death with his whip. Looking around, I saw an ursa major follow a woman and her child into an alley. Before a single thought had entered my mind I charged in.
   Arriving at the scene I jumped in front of the woman and shoved the tip of my staff into the Ursa's mouth. Letting off a blast of ice and freezing it's head instantly.

Y/n:"Get inside and stay there!"

   I told the woman. I didn't know how long we could deal with this. But I was ready to find out.

Denzel:"What now?!"

Y/n:"We make our way to the breach point. Kill any and all grimm you see on the way."

   I said as we slowly started pushing the grimm back. It wasn't long before the Atlas military showed up. What they were doing here? I'll never know.
   With Atlas's help, we managed to push the grimm out of the city and back into the hole they crawled out of. Literally, as Glynda Goodwitch sealed the hole.

Hank:"Well. That was easier than expected. Now who wantsice cream?!"

Y/n:"Hank. Not now."

Hank:"Right. Sorry."

   He said as I approached General James Ironwood. I had met him during my second Vytal festival tournament. It was in Atlas after all.

Y/n:"The hell are you and your tin cans doing here?"

General Ironwood:"Y/n. Thank you for the assistance with the grimm, but-"

I cut him off.

Y/n:"What are you doing here Metalboner? Headmasters don't usually travel with their students. Nor do they bring an armada."

General Ironwood:"I understand your confusion. I felt it would be a necessary precaution."

Y/n:"Necessary precaution my ass. Whatever. You can tell me the truth later."

   I said as I walked back to my team.

Y/n:"Alright Hank. Let's go get some ice cream."

Hank:"Fuck yeah!"

I am so sorry about the late chapter everyone. I am going on vacation in a few days and I was busy making sure everything is good to go. Also, because of said vacation the Borderlands story will not be updated in Sunday. To make up for that however, I will update both this story and the Borderlands story on the following Sunday. As always, I hope you enjoyed. Constructive critisism is always welcome and I will see you all next time!

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