Before Shade

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It had been four years since a 12 year old Y/n had found himself in the warm embrace of the Nikos family. He had been enrolled in a school meant to teach students how to fight against the forces of evil, against the Grimm. Just earlier today Y/n had won his third and final Mistral Tournament. He had not been allowed to compete in the first tournament as it had already passed when he arrived at the school. Erythrà, the woman that Y/n calls mom, had taken them out to celebrate his most recent victory. Sat at the table of rather fancy restaurant was Y/n, his mother Erythrà, and his sister Pyrrha.

Y/n Pov

Y/n: "Thank you for bringing me here mom."

Erythrà: "Oh it's no problem dear! I know you love this place so I figured what better place than here to celebrate your final victory in Mistral."

She said as she began to tear up

Erythrà:"Oh! My baby boy! All grown up!"

Mom said as she pulled me into a hug.

Y/n:"It's okay mom. I'm not going anywhere yet."

I said as I tried to console her. It didn't help. At that moment the waitress arrived.

Waitress:"Can I start you three off with a few drinks tonight?"

She asked us. I looked at her nametag.

Y/n:"Oh! Yes. Uhh let me get a sweet iced tea please."

I said.

Y/n:"So Roxanne, what's it like working here?"

I asked her.

Roxanne:"It's alright. Most people are pretty nice but occasionally I get a racist here and there."

She said, I finally got a goof look at her. She was a faunas like me.

Pyrrha:"Can I just have a coke please?"

My little sister asked.

Roxanne:"I'm sorry, is pepsi okay?"

Roxanne had asked my sister. Now, for those of you who don't know, NEVER ask my sister if pepsi is okay. If you saw her in this restaurant right now, you would think our waitress just shot her dog.

Pyrrha:"No, pepsi is not okay. Do you have rootbeer?"

My sister asked, it was clear she was not happy about her current drink situation.

Roxanne:"We do. Okay and for you miss?"

Our waitress asked mom.

Erythrà:"Oh a glass of wine please."

Now THAT surprised me, mom was not much of a drinker at all. So the fact she ordered wine was a bit of a shock. She must have noticed I was surprised however as she looked over at me and said

Erythrà:"What Y/n? It's a special occasion! I can have a glass of wine if I want to."

She said as she looked at me.

Roxanne:"Oh, what might you be celebrating?"

Our waitress asked

Erythrà:"We are celebrating my sons third and final Misral Tournament victory!"

My mom said with quite a bit of pride. I sat there and blushed.

Y/n:"I don't really like to brag about mt achievements."

I said sheepisly

Roxanne:"Wait a second... You're Y/n Nikos?!"

And there it is.

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