Date Night

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Y/n pov

   Here I am, sitting in a fancy restaurant, waiting on Roxanne. I was currently wearing a suit for once. I always hated how they felt, they made me feel uncomfortable. As a fighter, suits were terrible to fight in.

Waiter:"May I take your order sir? Perhaps start you off with a drink?"

Y/n:"Just some water please. It might be a little bit before I order. I'm waiting on someone."

Waiter:"No problem."

   He walked off. Either to help other tables or to return to the kitchen to get my water. I didn't really care which. At that moment, she walked in the door. Wearing a stunning red dress I had bought her some time ago, but she never wore.

Y/n:"There she is. The most beautiful girl on Remnant."

Roxanne:"Oh stop it you."

Y/n:"I see you are wearing the dress. It looks good on you."

Roxanne:"Wish I could say the same. I think a different shade of red would have been better honestly."

Y/n:"Maybe something a bit darker would have complimented the green streak in your hair better?"

Roxanne:"Maybe. You look good in a suit."

Y/n:"I don't feel good in one though. It's not me. I'm a blue jeans and a T-shirt kinda guy."

Roxanne:"I know that. But still, you clean up nicely."

The waiter returned with two glasses of water.

Waiter:"And what can I get you two tonight?"

Y/n:"I'll have a ribeye steak, medium well."

Roxanne:"Let me get a T-bone. Medium well for me too."

Waiter:"Alright. I'll be back in a few moments with your food."

The waiter walked off again. Leaving me and Roxanne once more.

Roxanne:"So the tournament. I think everyone knows it's gonna come down to you and your sister."

Y/n:"Yeah I know."

Roxanne:"You already have a plan, don't you?"

Y/n:"I've told you what her semblance is right?"

Roxanne:"Yes you have. So what are you gonna do about it?"

Y/n:"Hand to hand is my only really option. I would have an advantage over her with my semblance in hand to hand. The lightning speeds me up a bit after all."

Roxanne:"Oh trust me, I know it does."

Y/n:"And just what is that supposed to mean my dear?"

Roxanne:"I mean there's a reason I have you use it in bed sometimes."

Y/n:"Oh I know that."

Not long after, our waiter returned with our food. When I made the reservation I told them I was coming, so the service has most likely been changed around a bit to accommodate the two of us.

Waiter:"Here you are, and if there is anything else I can get you please let me know."

Roxanne:"Some steak sauce please."

Waiter:"Of course."

Y/n:"Anyway, as I was saying. My semblance, plus hand to hand, is the only way I can win the tournament. Because no matter how much better a fight may be, Pyrrha's semblance will bring victory to her feet as long as whoever she is fighting is armed."

Roxanne:"So let me guess. Drop your weapons, take off those bracers, and engage a fist fight."

Y/n:"You know me so well. How's your music doing?"

Roxanne:"Dad doesn't approve of the fact I won't just slap your name on it and mom doesn't really have an opinion on it."

Y/n:"Ah. Did you tell your dad I'm the one that said not to put my name on it?"

Roxanne:"Yes. He said do it anyway."

Waiter:"One bottle of steak sauce miss."

Roxanne:"Thank you."

Y/n:"God your dad is an ass sometimes."

Roxanne:"I know. I told him that you don't want your name on my music because you don't want to be the sole reason I make it big in the music industry."

Y/n:"I want you to succeed because I know you can. Because I want you to prove to Remnant what I already know. That you are an amazing musician, and an even more amazing woman."

Roxanne:"That's sweet Y/n."

I noticed a hint of hesitation in her.

Y/n:"What's wrong?"

Roxanne:"What? Nothing's wrong."

Y/n:"Roxanne. I know you well enough to know when something is wrong. What is it?"

Roxanne:" *sigh* How much longer do we need to spend a part? I love you, I really do, but-"

Y/n:"It's tiring being apart for so long and it's gotten to the point where you are starting to question my commitment to the relationship?"

Roxanne:"How did you-?"

Y/n:"I've been wondering the same thing about myself. So here's what I'm gonna do. This weekend, after the tournament, I'm gonna take you down to the jewelers and you are gonna help me make a ring. For you."

Roxanne:"Y/n what are you-"

Y/n:"We have been together for three years Roxanne. I love you. But if both of us are starting to question my commitment then maybe it's time for me to prove it. To both of us."

Roxanne:"Yeah but this seems-"

Y/n:"Sudden? Extreme? Don't worry. I've put a lot of thought into this, it's what I want to do. But I want the ring to be perfect, which is why instead of surprising you with it, I want you to help me make it."

Roxanne:"Y/n I don't know what to say."

Y/n:"Just a simple yes or no. That's all I ask."

  Roxanne had paused for a moment. It felt like hours waiting on her response. Heh, I can face down hordes of Grimm without so much as a hitched breath but as soon as I ask my girlfriend to marry me I'm afraid? Funny how things work sometimes.

Roxanne:"I-yes. Y/n, I'll go down to the jewelers with you."

Y/n:"Thank you Roxanne. I love you."

Roxanne:"I love you too."

Y/n:"Come on, let's get the check and get out of here."

I said as I raised my hand to signal the waiter.

Waiter:"What can I do for you?"

Y/n:"Just the check please. We are on our way out."

Waiter:"Of course."

Not much longer, we paid the check and left. Leaving a generous tip for our waiter.

Sorry about the late upload! I was busy on Sunday so I got it out early Monday. Anyway, I wanted to do something a bit different with this chapter. Let me know what you thought! Also, we are bringing Volume 3 of RWBY to a close and I have some big things planned. Anyway, as always I shall see you next time!

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