A Little Chat

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Y/n pov

They said the tournament would continue as usual. Even though I had my right foot blown off in the first fight of the final round.

Roxanne:"So, what? They just keep the tournament going?"

Y/n:"Unfortunately yes."

Roxanne:"Well, that's not fair. You literally can't compete because of the direct actions of another competitor!"

Y/n:"I know. It's stupid."

Roxanne:"Will they at least let one of your teammates take over?"

Y/n:"Nope. Listen, I get it. It's stupid and they should let one of my team mates take over. I get it."

We heard a small bit of commotion on the other side of the door.

???:"No! You can't make me go in there!"

Sarah:"I can and I will. Watch me!"

Suddenly, there was a loud smack and Yang Xiao Long herself came tumbling through the door.

Y/n:"Yang Xiao Long. I always knew this day would come."

Yang:"Y-Y/n! Long time no see! Heh, how are you?"

Y/n:"Shit the fuck up Yang. It's Mr. Nikos to you."

I would say as I sat in the hospital bed and looked her in the eye.

Y/n:"I'm sure my team has filled you in on why you are here?"

Sarah:"Oh we filled her in alright. Denzel says we should take the whole right leg, while Hank says we should take an arm."

Y/n:"Both good ideas. But no, I won't be having them do either of those."

   As I finished that sentence I stood up, using the hospital bed to stay upright as I had not been allowed to put on the prosthetic foot yet. Roxanne was helping me stand up as well.

Y/n:"You see Yang, this is a very personal situation for me. One of my abusers, shoots me in the foot on live TV. It's almost too good to be true."

Yang:"What are you going to do to me?"

I could hear quite a bit of fear in her voice.

Y/n:"Well, let's see, you shot of my foot on live TV. There's a lot I could do with that. But you see, I've already told every news outlet that it was an act of blatant racism. If you are lucky, expulsion at worst."

Yang:"What if I'm not?"

Y/n:"Wellz there are a lot of faunus in the White fang that I'm sure would not mind getting a little revenge."

Sarah was standing in the corner by the door, watching everything happen.

Sarah:"But, Y/n doesn't operate that way."

Y/n:"No I don't. For now, I will let you go."


Y/n:"Leave my hospital room Yang."

Yang:"O-okau! I'm leaving!"

And with that, she had run straight out of the door.

Sarah:"So, what do you have planned?"

Y/n:"She loves her hair more than anything. I'm going to cut it off along with her right leg, and use her hair to stop the bleeding."

Sarah:"That's gonna get infected."

Y/n:"Heh. Not my problem."

With that, I sat back down on the hospital bed.

Sarah:"Alright. I'll leave you two alone. Take care of him, alright Roxanne? This guy's a slippery bastard."

Roxanne:"Oh I know."

Sarah had now left the hospital room.

Roxanne:"I think you might need a bit of stress relief~"

Y/n:"Oh? Here in the hospital?~"

Roxanne:"Oh yeah~"

And with that, Roxanne blew my mind.

Hey everyone! Sorry about the late chapter, I had a pretty bad headache over the last few days but it's gone now. This chapter is a bit shorter than usual simply because I wanted to get it out faster. Anyway, with that said, I will see you all in the next one!

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