Man, I really hate hospital food

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Y/n pov

So, here I am, laying in a hospital bed. I was told General Ironwood would be stopping by soon and I expected it honestly. I mean, why wouldn't he? A chance to tell me all about why I shouldn't hate Atlas and I can't walk away from it.

Erythrà:"Y/n? There's uh, someone here to speak to you."

Here we go.

Y/m:"Let him in."

And there he was, General Ironwood.



He let out a sigh as he sat in the chair across the hospital room.

Ironwood:"Would it kill you to use my real name for once?"

Y/n:"As long as you work for Atlas? Yes."

It was then I noticed he was carrying a box.

Y/n:"What's up with that?"

Ironwood:"A prosthetic for you. I had the engineers measure the foot that had been blown off in the arena."

Y/n:"Well that's thoughtful."

Ironwood:"We may rarely see eye to eye-"

Y/n:"Understatement of the century."

Ironwood:"But I hold a great deal of respect for you. So here, as a sign of good faith."

He said as he placed it on the table. Just then, Roxanne came walking in dressed up as one of the nurses. Light blue pants and scrubs, hair in a ponytail.

Roxanne:"I'm sorry sir but he needs to eat his lunch and then rest. I'll be sure to tell the doctor to attach the prosthetic while he sleeps."

Ironwood:"Oh. Of course. Have a nice day Mr. Nikos."

Y/n:"You too."

And like that, he was gone.

Y/n:"Have I ever told you how much I love you? Because fucks sake if I haven't then sit on my face and let me show you."

That got a giggle out of her as she took off the nurses uniform, revealing a light red hoodie and a pair of black jeans beneath it.

Roxanne:"I don't think you are in any position to have your face sat on. I mean, maybe I could hover?"

I pouted like a child.

Y/n:"There's no point if you won't actually sit on me!"

Roxanne rolled her eyes at my antics.

Roxanne:"I was serious though babe, you need to eat."

Y/n:"Yeah, I know. But hospital food sucks ass. You couldn't have at least brought me like, some McWonald's?"

Roxanne:"I tried. The took it at the door and now your mom is screaming at them."

Y/n:"Yes! Go mom."

Roxanne:"I know, your mom is pretty great."

We sat in comfortable silence for a moment as I began to slowly pick at the hospital food. Most of it was pretty flavorless but what little of it that did have taste was pretty bad.

Y/n:"Where did you even get that nurses uniform?"

Roxanne:"Online. It was supposed to be a sexy one but I think there was a mix up and some poor nurse got the outfit I planned to wear for you."

Just like that, my mind was off to the races! Or at least it would have been, but then mom walked in with two bags from McWonald's.

Erythrà:"Here. Since hospital food sucks and all that."

Roxanne:"Thanks for getting it back for me."

Erythrà:"No problem. Anyway, have fun you two, I need to get back to the hotel or Zwei might eat everything in the room."

Y/n:"Bye mom, love you!"

Roxanne:"Bye Mrs. Nikos!"

Mom left the hospital room and me and Roxanne began to eat.

Y/n:"I think this is yours."

I said as I opened the bag, revealing a single patty hamburger and a medium thing of fries.

Roxanne:"Yep. This is definitely yours."

We switched bags and I pulled out my double bacon cheese burger with extra bacon.

Y/n:"Seriously though, you are the best. I still plan on taking you to the jeweler."

Roxanne:"Y/n you don't need to be thinking about that. You need to be thinking about wether or not you even still want to be a huntsman."

Y/n:"What are you-"

Roxanne:"Y/n, I love you. You know I do. But you just lost your right foot in a SANCTIONED fight. What about someone who WANTS to hurt you? I don't want to see you get hurt like this again."

She was openly crying now, so I set my food off to the side.

Y/n:"Roxanne listen, I don't really want to be a huntsman."


Y/n:"But I have to be. I got lucky, I escaped my abusive home and found a place where I was loved. But there are far too many out there who aren't as lucky as I am. I don't want to be a huntsman because of what I want. I need to be a huntsman so I can help those who grew up like me, but can't get out."

Roxanne simply leaned in and hugged me, so I wrapped my arms around her and we simply sat there in each other's embrace.

And that's the chapter! I'm not gonna lie, I didn't really know what to do with this one so if it seems like I didn't know what I was doing that's probably why. Anyway, see you in the next one!

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