Man. I don't like Beacon.

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Y/n pov

It was after class during my first day at Beacon. Me and my team had met up with Pyrrha and her team. After some introductions and conversation Pyrrha walked off and I followed her. She seemed a bit down so I went to talk to her.

Y/n:"Hey kiddo, what's wrong?"

I asked her as she looked at me.

Pyrrha:"It's nothing."

So there was DEFINITELY a problem.

Y/n:"Pyrrha I know you. There's something on your mind. Tell me what it is."

At that, she let out a sigh.

Pyrrha:"It's my team leader Jaune. I have a huge crush on him but he only wants to try and get Weiss to go out with him."

Y/n:"Wait, Weiss? As in, Weiss Schnee?"

Pyrrha:"Yes, that Weiss."

Y/n:"Is your team leader blind?"

Pyrrha:"What? What do you-"

I cut her off.

Y/n:"Look at Weiss. Then look at yourself. She is flat as a board on every side! If he can't tell that there isn't much to look at under that dress then he HAS to be blind."

I told her as Denzel came up behind us.

Denzel:"You want me to put a cap in her?"


Y/n:"Denzel, not the time."

Denzel:"Sorry. Just trying to be helpful."

He said as he walked towards the cafeteria.

Y/n:"C'mon. Chin up Pyr. He'll notice eventually."

Pyrrha:"And if he doesn't?"

Y/n:"I'll make him notice. Even if I have to break every bone in his body."

Pyrrha:"Please don't do that."

Y/n:"If he doesn't wisen up and soon then I can't be held accountable for what I will do to him."

I said before we started to walk around.

Y/n:"Anyway, where's the training room? I need to know where that is so I can get my team back on track."

Pyrrha:"Oh! Follow me. I'll show you."

15 minutes later.

Pyrrha:"And this is the training room. Lockers are in that room to the right, and the showers are to the left."

Y/n:"Good to know. You haven't had any trouble with perverts have you?"

???:"I would certanly hope not. Because if she has she has not reported it."

Pyrrha:"Oh! Miss Goodwitch! I was just showing my brother around Beacon Academy."

Miss Goodwitch:"Please Pyrrha, when out of class call me Glynda."

The lady who I now know is a teacher said.

Glynda:"You must be Y/n Nikos. I must say, when you turned down Professor Ozpin's offer to come to Beacon I was rather surprised."

Y/n:"Wanted something different. Beacon couldn't offer that."

I said honestly.

Glynda:"Indeed. Your coastal city home must be rather different from Vacuo. I'd imagine it's hotter."

Y/n:"Alot hotter. I don't mind though. Us Nikos kids are built tough. Even if I'm adopted."

I told her as I began to walk around the training room.

Y/n:"Do you mind if I go into the lockers? I was told my weapons had been safely stored in here."

Glynda:"Oh! Allow me to show you where they are."

She said as she led me and Pyrrha into the locker room

Y/n:"Is she usually rhis nice?"

Pyrrha:"No, she's just trying to make a good impression on students from other schools."

We whispered back and fourth before arriving at locker 935.

Glynda:"Here you are young man. Your locker."


I said as I opened it up and looked inside to see Agartha's Wrath, standing tall and proud like the mighty weapon she is. And behind her were the twins. Mustang and Sally. Two m1911s that I used in situations that required a more sublte approach.

Glynda:"If that is everything I must return to my duties."

Y/n:"Alright. See you in class then."

I said as she left and I waited for the door to close.

Y/n:"I fucking hate it here."

Pyrrha:"What? Why?"

Y/n:"These teachers let their students get away with far too much. I have been called a slur more times in the past day than all 20 years of my life."

Pyrrha:"Oh. Yeah. I should have seen that coming."

Y/n:"I mean, Atlas wasn't this bad when I went there in my second year for the Vytal tournament. At least the teachers there punished racist students."

Pyrrha:"Really? Atlas Academy was less racist than Beacon?"

Y/n:"Way less. I am genuinley shockef at how bad it is here."

Pyrrha:"Huh. That is actually really surprising."

She said before a beeping began to ring out.

Pyrrha:"That means curfew. We should probally get back to the dorms."

Y/n:"Good Idea. Let's go."

I said as we began to leave the room, splitting up at the courtyard to go to our dorms.

Hey everyone! I got this one out on time! Just barely though. Anyway, let me know what you think, constructive critisism is always welcome, and I will see you next week!

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