Provisional licence 2

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"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" silence filled the whole arena as the two looked at a tired and roughed up me, "Is this how you act in front of a villain? Did no one teach you when you're fighting someone all grudges with your partner should be put a side." I heard footsteps behind me and i wiped around grabbed the wrist of a close fist, then i flipped the henchman up into the air and pushed him into the ground in front of me. I took a breath then walked over him and menacingly walked toward gang orca completely tired of him playing with us, when i was about 11 feet away from him i ran closer and ducked when he used his shock wave and landed a punch to the gut and made sure to put as much power as possible in it. Gang orca was pushed back a few i raised my hand and hundreds of blood spikes pocked or twisted around villains "Bloody arena." I wasn't able to keep it for long since i was hit with the same wave of fire and wind but this time much stronger.

I was pushed forward losing my balance and that caused me to trip on my own feet, I groaned trying to get up but a foot on my stomach. "Damn it! What are you two doing." I didn't move under orca wanting to preserve my energy but i knew the voice of midoriya and there he was asking the right questions. He grabbed me by the neck "How foolish of you." I was then hit with the full extent of the shock wave head on, come on stay awake. I felt my body hit the ground and the henchmen were yelling in excitement my mind was filled to the brim trying to keep me awake and understanding what was happening. "Cerberus..." I could feel the fur of my trusty companion beside me "Isana, shoto... Stop the henchmen." I felt him leave and when he did I blocked out all the noise to focus on staying conscious, the thing was that the shock took a toll on my sore body. What i needed to do now was to let my body catch up to my mind be cause it was severely behind.

I took deep breathes to calm my body what i needed to do was protect the clinic. I was able to stand up on shaky legs but it was manageable, "Bloody arena." The spikes weren't as big but they did their job just fine, i looked over at cerberus to see him protecting isana and shoto by fighting gang orca. This left me to my goal of protecting the clinic, I looked over to see some henchmen stuck in my spikes while the others were still running to the center. "Cerberus drop them and protect the clinic." He did exactly what i said "Slaughter." The demon in charge of the my demon army appeared beside me. A wicked grin formed on his face "Prey~..." I glanced over at him "not this time, just stop them from getting farther or knock them unconscious." I swept my hand at the rest of the army crawled out of their black goo poodle. I turned my head looking at the two boys on the floor i couldn't fight as of right now my body needed more time, I did't want to leave this to them but there was nothing i could do i was holding 3 quirks at once so i had to focus on them. I just hope they understand that and work together.

I dropped all focus on what was happening behind me and focusing on the henchmen, but whatever was happening there must have been interesting because seconds later almost all of them were captivated but soon enough they snapped out of it and tried to attack, i made a long was of fire burning the cement they were shooting at us. I didn't have to keep that up for much longer since my class was beating them to a pulp, i couldn't help but smile in pride. I was feeling the drowsiness seeping into me, i couldn't hear sounds and i could hold the fire wall, i had to stop my blood manipulation because i felt my hunger for it rising. I reached into an bang that was on the waistband of my costume where i keep my blood packets, my hand ran through the bag feeling nothing but air. A small gasp escaped my lips as i fell to my knees, great no blood, tired and sore, what a lovely day to fight my hardest for a piece of paper that allows me to use my quirk whenever.

I looked back at gang orca knowing the others could take over the henchmen, i disabled my quirks to take a break. What i was hoping to see was a defeated scrunched up orca but instead he was in the middle of their fire tornado pouring water on himself like it was a hot summer day. I could see they were getting tired and i was the closest person there so i pushed myself to use my fire. I stretched out my had and summoned all my power to push my fire out but it was nothing but a sliver of smoke, what the hell come on you've been through more than this. My hand started to warm up as my usual red fire shot into the tornado, not enough gang orca couldn't move freely but he was immobilized. I cranked up the heat and my fire shifted to this yellowish white color, my hand was shaking violently but i wouldn't stop they needed me. I pushed myself even further by making blood spikes close to his ankle then wrapped them around it.

 I was slowly shifting my focus to keeping my spikes locked in place till i felt this burning sensation on my arm, I froze i horror at the reality in front of me. My hand was engulfed in fir but not my usual red or white on but the blue one that eating at my wrist and working its way up. I turned away from the fight trying to calm myself enough to stop my quirk, my breathing was anything but normal but i didn't make a sound. It's felt like year to calm my mind all i could do was watch the fire burn my forearm, "stop, stop stop." my voice was hushed but it rang in my ears. "breathe, you know how to breathe right? Everyone knows how to breath, even baby so why can't you do it." I closed my eyes and imagined Aizawa when i had that panic attack when i opened my eyes the fire was gone but in its place was a burnt hand. My hand was red an in some places it bleed i flipped my hand over to see my palm, My eyes widen the first layer of skin was roughed up and shredded  I bit my bottom lip hard as i to stop any cries or screams for escaping my lips. This was a stupid test so why was i trying so hard? The buzzed sounded and i felt relief wash over me as i knew i couldn't fight anymore, i collapsed to the floor out of breath and barely conscious. I might have been an assassin but i was still human and i was young when i was training.


I was tired and sore, they treated my hand and gave me a Dad gave me a blood packet when i was getting treated i could walk at a decent speed that wouldn't make me look weird. I was next to katsuki slightly leaning on him for support "Thank you everyone for your hard work in today's exam. Now before i announce the results i should probably explain the way we evaluate." Blah Blah blah "Check your name on this screen to see if you passed." Then on the screen turned on to show everyone that passed name i looked up at it to find my name, I didn't have to search for long or at all for that matter since i was the first name there. "I made it." I whispered to katsuki silently, he gave me a side hug "I knew you would, if you didn't i would have had a problem with the system." I smiled then scanned the scan in search for our other classmates, I scanned the B section dozens of times but every time there's no Bakugo, i moved over to the T to see no Todoroki either. I drew in a breath confused these our one of my strongest classmates how did they not make it? My shoulders dropped "Huh" was the only thing i could say in my confused state then i hummed understanding why shoto didn't make it he was being irrational and that led to his down fall, i wonder what bakugo did though.

My head snapped over to a thud that was close by, there i saw shoto and inasa talking while he was bowing until his head hit the ground. I couldn't hear there conversation but it looked like the others were noticing that he failed, i wasn't the best at comforting others but Dad was teaching me to try at least once. So i walked over to him and slowly intertwined my hand with his, i looked at him with a blank face that must have some blush on it. Then mineta came out of nowhere grabbing on to shoto's shoulder saying "Looks like our class hierarchy is collapsing." I made a blood spike sprout from my back then poked him with it making him fall to the ground. I moved in front of him and put my hand on his cheek "You did good, it was only one mistake so don't let it get to you, okay." He nodded, i advertised my gaze then stood on my tippy-toes a little and pecked shoto's on the lips "I won't say you were flawless and you did make a mistake that could have killed you if the villain intended to but you tried to make up for it. Many people would have continued blaming each other that's what sets you apart from half of the world." I gave his a small smile to comfort him 

"So next we will give you your results." My face turned back to its stoic features, I turned back to the inasa that started walking away, "Yoarashi." He turned around "Don't take this hard either, it's their loss if they don't let a person like you become a hero." he nodded and gave me a sad smile "Thank you." It was the first time i haven't seen him with the over energetic personality he has, he walked off after a second. I was tapped on the shoulder when i looked back it was a man in a suit handing me a paper i took it and read it over, i had gotten 99 points i was hoping for a hundred but it will do. The man continued to talk about what it is to be a hero and the licence but when he said something about giving the people who didn't make it a second chance. I glanced at shoto as the man continued to talk after he was done midoriya and iida came up "Isn't this great todoroki." mineta started blabbing but iida shut him up "i'll be rooting for you." "Thank you, i'll work hard." 

Wait if shoto and katsuki are going to do extra classes other than school they'll be gone, who am i supposed to talk to? i don't know anyone good enough to barge into their dorms or start a conversation with them. I sighed,it's okay i'll be with cerberus, staying with myself isn't anything new. I was just happy that most of the class made it, and shoto and katsuki were getting another chance. Seems like everyone gets a second chance big or small either was wasting it would be a waste.

What is love again? (reader x TodorokiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora