long ass train ride

124 10 2

september 2nd, 2023
third pov

"he's just so fucking hot! like he got even hotter over summer if that's even possible!" kali told the two girls in the room destiny sitting on zara's couch smoking a blunt while zara is on the floor packing up her suitcase. destiny and zara looked at each other then back to kali.

"we haven't even gotten on the train yet n you're already obsessing over him." zara said rolling her eyes at her taking the blunt from destiny.

"right like girl stop stalking the boy instagram n talk to him this year." destiny told kali who just shook her head no.

"yeah no he probably doesn't even know my name."

"girl please he definitely does." zara told her putting some shirts in the suitcase.

"i want to go to italy." destiny told them looking at her phone.

"then go to italy?" zara told the girl looking to her with a questioning look.

"nah i want someone to take me to italy i just can't figure out who."

"girl not this shit again."

"hmm maybe theo."

"theo? blaise's friend?" kali asked joining into the conversation zara rolling her eyes at destiny's words.

"mhm he cute." destiny said nodding her head.

"you ever think maybe just once you'd actually get with someone to you know actually date them not just use them for they money?" zara asked the girl zipping up her suitcase. now it was destiny's turn to roll her eyes.

"girl you're one to talk you never let yo guard down long enough to get a dude to talk to yo ass." destiny told her which made kali look back n forth to each girl wondering if they was gon fight. its too early for this shit kali thought.

"yeah yeah ion trust none of them dudes at hogwarts so what?" zara said to her grabbing her phone.

"it's just you said it yourself you wanted to open up more i don't see you doing that." destiny told the girl truthfully which made zara nod her head understanding where she coming from.

"yeah you're right sorry des but don't hurt theo too much." zara told her thinking how theo is a very close friend to blaise.

"i won't but anyways it's eight so we should get going." destiny told them which made all girls stand up grabbing their belongings and apparating to platform 9¾.

students were already boarding the train so the william trio immediately got on wanting to find a empty compartment fast. they walked down the aisle until reaching one. the girls entered setting their suitcases and bags down.

the door opened welcoming in blaise zabini who had a wide smile planted on his face.

"well if it isn't my favorite trio." blaise told the girls which all three got up tackling him into a hug.

"blaise!" all three yelled out.

"okay i need to breathe!" he yelled out they let go of him walking back to their seats blaise sat down next to zara.

"so how was your summer?" blaise asked them looking over at each girl.

"good i went to so many concerts." zara told him which made him look very shocked.

"wow you didn't stay in the whole time? surprising."

"oh no she did that a lot too." destiny chimed in which made blaise let out a laugh.

"and what did you get up to miss finesse?" blaise questioned looking over at her.

"oh you know the usual went to cuba for a little." destiny told him showing some pics she took.

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