Chapter eighteen

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After Ivy composed herself, she went back to the room. She saw Conrad laying across the bed on his phone. She climbed up onto his back and hugged him.

He laughed and pulled his camera out to take a picture of them. She smiled slightly as she hid her face in his neck.

She rolled off of him and laid beside him. They both just stared at each other for a while until they heard talking from downstairs.

"We should probably go downstairs." Ivy whispered.

"Yeah." Conrad whispered back.

Neither one of them moved.

Ivy finally decided to move and got off the bed. She flipped Conrad onto his back and grabbed his hands. She hoisted him up from the bed and he fell into her.

He wrapped his arms around her tightly as she giggled.

"Mm, there's that pretty laugh." He spoke into her hair.

She just smiled and loosened herself from him slightly. She looked up into his eyes and kissed him.

It was a gentle kiss, filled with feeling. Her stomach felt like it was exploding with all the butterflies flying around.

They slowly pulled away from each other and let go. She grabbed his hand and started walking towards the door.

She wanted to be with him everywhere he went today.

They walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where Isabel and Jeremiah were eating their breakfast.

"Yo, we're gonna go wash the clams, did you get the lighter fluid?" Conrad asked as they walked in.

"Mm, yeah, it's already on the beach." Jeremiah answered.

Ivy smiled at him as Conrad dragged her away, onto the beach.

They walked out to the beach and started preparing the clams.

"Dude, I have no idea what I'm doing."

"Did you just call me dude?"

"Yes, I did."

"Oh okay, that's how we're playing this."

Conrad moved over to Ivy and tackled her into the sand.

"No! Conrad!" She shrieked.

They were both laughing as they rolled around the sand. They stopped once Conrad was over top of Ivy. He stared her down and smirked.

He quickly swooped down and kissed her roughly. She moaned at the impact.

He left her lips and started pressing kisses all over her face. She smiled and laughed at the feeling.

"Stop!" She giggled.

He stopped and lifted his head up to look at her.

"You have sand on your face." He breathed down at her.

"So do you." She quipped back.

"Last one to the house is a rotten egg!" Conrad abruptly got off of Ivy and started running towards the house.

"Not fair!"

Ivy scrambled up and started sprinting after Conrad. He obviously made it to the house first, walking into the conversation everyone was having.

Butterflies ~ Conrad FisherWhere stories live. Discover now