Chapter six

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When Conrad woke up he found Ivy sitting at the desk in their room. She was looking in the mirror, fixing her eyes on all her blemishes and scars. He got out of bed and walked up behind her.

He leaned down and started kissing every single imperfect spot on her face. She smiled as she felt it. Conrad had his arms wrapped around her front, her playing with his hands.

"You are the most perfect girl I've ever laid eyes on. Don't ever forget that." He spoke into her ear.

She smiled shyly at him through the mirror. She turned her head to look at him and he leaned down to kiss her. It was a soft and delicate kiss, unlike the ones they shared earlier that day.

"Do you wanna go surfing with me?" Conrad asked.

"I've never surfed before." Ivy answered.

"I'll teach you." Conrad convinced her.


That's how the ended up with Ivy soaked from head to toe from falling in the water so many times. Conrad couldn't stop laughing at her.

"Stop laughing!" Ivy splashed Conrad.

He couldn't stop laughing enough to even respond back to her.

She frowned at him and started swimming back to the beach.

"No Ivy! I'm sorry!" Conrad laughed out. He swam after her, bringing the board with him.

Ivy made it to the beach and started walking towards the towels. Conrad was behind her, as soon as he hit the sand he dropped the board and ran after Ivy.

He crept up behind her and picked her up from behind. She shrieked and laughed at him.


He placed her back on her feet. She turned around and smiled up at him. He smiled back at her, a glimmer in his eyes.

they looked at each other with adoration in their eyes. They shared a gentle kiss until Ivy picked up her towel and flicked it at Conrad's stomach.

He flinched and then laughed at her.

"Oh so that's how you wanna play this?"

He picked up his own towel and flicked it at her. She ran down the beach with him fast on her tail.

Once they calmed down and finished playing with each other, they made their way inside. Conrad saw his mother sitting on the couch.

He instantly pulled Ivy into him, leaning against a wall. She gave him a confused look, he just put his index finger to his mouth in return.

He grabbed her hand and started sneaking towards the stairs.

"Honey? Hey Hon!"

They heard Susannah's voice call out.

"Yeah." Conrad said back. He seemed annoyed they got caught.

"Would you change and meet me out back? I want to paint your portrait first."

"Why me?"

"Cause everyone else has things to do." Ivy snickered at that statement. Conrad just gave her a look.

He started walking towards the living room where his mother was sat. Ivy trailing behind.

"I have things to do, too, mom."

"I think you can spare a few hours for your mother. Hmm?"

Conrad paused for a moment.


"Great! I'll see you outside in ten?"

Conrad gave a small nod. "See you there."

"Put on something nice."

Ivy smiled at Conrad's bummed out face. He just wanted to go to their room together. Have no one bother them for the day.

She grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs. She sat on the bed as he looked through the closet to find something to wear.

He found the right clothes and started taking off his swim trunks.

"Oooh, I love it when you strip for me." Ivy teased.

Conrad looked at her with a look of lust and frustration.

"Don't start." He pointed a finger at her.

"Ugh, you never let me have any fun." She pouted.

He rolled his eyes at her and continued getting changed. She took a sneaky picture of him with his shirt off, adding it to her collection of ab pictures.

He doesn't know it exists, but she will treasure it forever.


Ivy was sat next to Susannah, watching her brush strokes as she painted Conrad. She was in awe of her skill.

She looked up at Conrad and saw him giving her a bored look. She just smiled at him and put her attention back on Susannah's painting.

She made a comment on Susannah's painting, getting a smile in return. Susannah didn't say anything though, too concentrated on her strokes.

Conrad looked back at Ivy, just wanted to be touching her. His love language was one hundred percent physical touch. He always had to be touching Ivy in one way or another.

"Sit up straight Connie." Ivy playfully said. She was trying to cheer him up, him being in a mood.

He sarcastically sat up straighter then a pencil. He gave her a false smile, sagging back down after a second.

She just laughed at his antics and looked out at the ocean beside them, tuning out the mother and son conversation that was happening.

She has always loved the water. It was her escape from her crazy family, especially after her brother's accident. She joined the swim team, practices keeping her busy.

She was a swimmer until high school, switching over to volley ball. That soon became her passion.

She loved it even more that it connected her with Conrad. If he hadn't had the confidence to walk up to her while she was recharging from her tough match, they never would have been in a relationship. She never would have met his amazing family. The list goes on.


guys i'm so sorry for the late update 😧

i've literally been like dying of a cold and have just felt so bleh lately

pls forgive me 🙏🏻🙏🏻

Butterflies ~ Conrad FisherWhere stories live. Discover now