Chapter eleven

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Ivy and Conrad were walking from the bookstore after Cleveland's interview. Ivy slipped her fingers into his and squeezed his hand. He just glumly looked at her with a small smile.

"Conrad, I'm sure he understands. It was just a mistake." Ivy was trying to reassure him.

"It wasn't just a mistake Ivy. I fucked up." He said angrily.

She just sighed and kept on walking. She knew he just needed to calm down before he talked about it.

She was taking in the beautiful view of the town when she saw an icecream shop across the road.

"Conrad! Look! Icecream!" She jumped up and down like a bunny.

His face instantly found a smile at her excitement. He looked both ways before walking across the street with Ivy attached to him.

When they walked in Ivy was filled with joy. The counter was filled with tubs of ice cream and there was a self serve topping area. She grabbed Conrad's hand and dragged him towards the list of flavours.

"Oh my gosh, they all look so good. I cant choose." Ivy spoke quickly.

"Get whatever you want love." Conrad spoke softly in her ear. Her face lit up at his words. She turned and hugged him and then went back to the list.

"Ooh I want hoof prints."

"Okay you can get hoof prints." He laughed at her.

"But will you get the mint chocolate chip so I can have some too." She smiled up at him.

He faked a sigh and pulled her to the counter.

"Hi! What can I get for you." The girl at the cash spoke. Ivy noticed that she was only looking at Conrad, ignoring Ivy completely.

"Uh yeah, can we get one hoof prints in a cone and a mint chocolate chip in a cup please." Conrad said looking down at his wallet.

Ivy grabbed onto his arm and pushed into him while glaring at the girl working.

"Yeah, for sure! Is that all handsome?"

"Oh my gosh. Are you that fucking blind? Obviously he has a girlfriend you bitch." Ivy spoke up standing in front of Conrad.

"well he doesn't seem to be paying much attention to you now does he?" The girl spoke in a condescending tone.

Ivy jumped forward and raised her hand to hit the girl but was stopped with Conrad's hands around her waist.

"Okay. Look, I love her, and I pay attention to her all the time. I'm taken and I dont want you. So please just get us our icecream and we'll be gone." Conrad tried to de stress the situation.

The girl just scoffed and rolled her eyes. She begrudgingly spit out the total and turned to scoop the icecream.

Once they paid and got their icecream Ivy pulled Conrad out of the store and down the sidewalk.

"We are never going there again." She spoke in an angry tone.

"Why? Are you jealous?" He teased her.

"Shut up." She licked her icecream and walked at a fast pace.

"I'm sorry I just can't help how amazing I look all the time." She pushed his chest as he laughed loudly.

"I'm glad that made you happy." She sarcastically said.

He smiled and grabbed her hand as they continued walking down the street. That few minutes made him forget all about his mistake with Cleveland.


When they got home Ivy started getting clothes out to take a shower. She felt all sweaty and gross from the long walk under the sun.

Conrad walked into the room while she was bent over grabbing something from the floor. He ran up behind her and grabbed her hips. He pressed himself against her.

"I like this position."

Ivy rose up from bending over with a pair of lace panties in her hands. She turned around while Conrad still has his grip on her.

"You are in a much better mood." She smiled at him.

"Only when I'm with you." He leaned down and pecked her on the lips. She smiled and rose on her toes to kiss him again.

He deepened the kiss and his hands moved down to her ass. She giggled into the kiss then pulled away.

"I need to shower." She smirked teasingly at him.

"Oh come on." He raised his hands in a 'what' then dropped them against his side.

She grinned as she walked seductively out the door towards the bathroom.

He groaned and laid on the bed with his hands over his face. She was such a tease.

i am so sorry for the short chapter and how long it's been

i've just been so busy with exams and i've been quite sick lately too

but i'm hoping to get better at updating


i also may or may not have a gilmore girls fic in the works so let me know if you would want that ;)

Butterflies ~ Conrad FisherWhere stories live. Discover now