Mirana moves to leave the room and a sudden boom rattles the house, sending shockwaves through the structure. Instinctively, she crouches down, using her own body as a shield to protect James from the cascading debris. Plaster from the ceiling rains down on them as the house trembles.

Tim's eyes widen in horror as the windows blow out, shattering into a shower of glass shards, and a deafening boom tears through the air. Flames shoot out of the empty panes causing the distraught mother to scream. She begins to run forward but Tim catches her, holding her tight as she thrashes and screams for her son.

There is no sign of Mirana or a young boy as smoke continues billowing from the house. Sirens fill the air as Tim keeps hold of the screaming woman. Loud coughing reaches Tim's ears and he spots a figure emerging from the smoke.

Loud coughing reaches Tim's ears, a sound that pierces through the chaos, and his gaze zeroes in on a figure emerging from the thick smoke. Mirana steps onto the porch, and in her arms, she cradles the small, motionless form of the boy.

Mirana's wet t-shirt is draped over the boy's nose and mouth. As she stumbles from the house, coughs wracking her frame, stress etched across her soot-streaked face, the relief that washes over Tim is palpable.

"Ma'am you need to stay here," Tim says. "So I can help your son"

Tim breaks into a sprint, running across the front garden towards the porch. He takes the boy from Mirana's arms and they move onto the front lawn, Tim lying the boy down. Mirana checks for breaths and she shakes her head.

"Starting CPR," Tim says, pinching James' nose before blowing two big breaths into his mouth.

Tim then places one hand in the centre of James' chest before he begins pushing on James' chest, counting under his breath.

"JAMES!" The boy's mother screams and Mirana stops her from running over. "That's my son!"

"Officer Bradford needs space to do this," Mirana says. "You need to stay back. I know it's hard but it's necessary"

Relief floods Mirana's body when she spots the large red firetruck and ambulance. Firefighters rush towards the house, ready to tackle the inferno as paramedics run over to where Tim is still performing CPR on James.

"How long?"

"He's been unconscious for potentially over ten minutes," Tim says. "We only discovered he wasn't breathing four minutes ago"

"Alright," The paramedic nods, taking Tim's place.

Mirana keeps her grip on James' mother as the paramedics work, shocking James to try and start his heart. She watches as one of the paramedics shakes his head before retracting his hands.

"Time of Death-"

Mirana can't hear anything except for James' mother's wails as she collapses into Mirana's hold. Nausea bubbles in Mirana's stomach and she unleashes her grasp on James' mother before she turns, hunching over as she empties her stomach contents onto the grass.

Tim is by her side instantly as she heaves, coughing as the stomach acid burns her throat. One of the paramedics runs over to Mirana, making her sit down on the grass as he places an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. Mirana pulls the mask off, swatting Tim's hands away as she speaks.

"The mom had no soot on her," Mirana says. "And she reeked of gasoline"

"7-Adam-19, I need detectives, a supervisor and another unit down here," Tim says into the radio as he puts the oxygen mask back over Mirana's mouth and nose. "Potential arson case and a potential homicide, young boy died on scene"

"I'm going to go and talk to her," Mirana pulls the mask off of her face before getting to her feet, swaying slightly before she walks over to James' mother.

"Ms-?" Mirana asks as she approaches the crying woman.

"Andrews, Kelly Andrews,"

"Can you tell me what happened Kelly?" Mirana asks, covering her mouth as coughs rack her body.

"I fell asleep on the couch and when I woke up, the whole kitchen and the hallway were in flames," Kelly sniffles. "I could only get out of the front door, I was screaming for help for ages. I forgot to grab my phone"

"You were screaming and no one came to help?" Mirana asks.

"Some neighbours right?" Kelly asks. "Sorry, I know this isn't a time to joke, I just feel so lost"

"You just lost your son, there's no correct way to-"

Mirana is cut off by a particularly aggressive bought of coughs which cause her to heave slightly. She hunches over resting her hands on her knees as the coughs rattle her chest.

"Cabrera, get your behind in that ambulance now,"

Mirana turns to see Sergeant Grey staring at her with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Let me just wait until your twin's gone," Mirana wheezes.

"Bradford! Get her in that ambulance and sit on her to keep her in it if you have to,"

"Yes sir,"

"What about plain clothes day?" Mirana asks.

"I'm sure the Captain will pass you," Grey says. "Now go and get some medical attention"

Tim moves too quickly for Mirana to react, lifting her over his shoulder. Despite her attempts to struggle, Tim remains firm and carries her towards the ambulance. Once they reach the ambulance, Tim gently places her on the gurney.

"Now I will handcuff you to this gurney if I need to,"

"You wouldn't,"

"Try me,"


Mirana grabs her stuff from her locker, having finally been cleared by the hospital to go home. Someone clears their throat and Mirana turns to see Angela.

"How you doing?"

"A few superficial burns but other than that I'm fine," Mirana says.

"I mean with the kid," Angela says. "The first dead kid changes you"

"Good thing it's not my first," Mirana murmurs.

"What do you mean?" Angela asks, sitting on the bench and Mirana sits next to her.

"In Cuba when I was nine or ten, my best friend at the time, Daniela, was involved in a hit and run," Mirana says. "I held her until the paramedics pulled me away so they could put her in a body bag"

"Oh my god," Angela whispers.

"I always knew I wanted to join the police," Mirana says. "But I took a nursing degree so I could administer first aid on a scene, try and save as many lives as possible"

"Do you wanna go for a drink?" Angela asks. "My treat"

"Sure," Mirana nods. "Tim's lurking outside isn't he?"

"Of course,"

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