"That's not what the intel shows. Guy's on the wire saying it's a million," Andersen shrugs.

"Okay, well, we can all vouch for each other. I mean -"

"Not good enough," Grey cuts Lucy off. "The only thing that will clear you is passing a polygraph"

"But polygraphs have been proven unreliable," Mirana says. "They barely hold up in court as evidence"

"You're right," Andersen nods. "But they can be used as an indicator of honesty. Now, I can't, by law, make you take one. It would have to be strictly voluntary."

"What if we decline?" Jackson asks.

"It's grounds for suspension, pending an investigation, and possibly could lead to your termination," Grey says.

"Well, that's not much of a choice, but we'll do it," Nolan says.

"Okay. Let's go," Andersen says.

"What, now?" Nolan asks as the four share bewildered looks.

"Now," Andersen confirms.

Andersen and Grey leave the room and the four rookies follow. Instantly they are separated from one another and taken into interrogation rooms.

"Alright, let's start with some simple control questions," Andersen says to Mirana. "Is your name Mirana Cabrera?"


"Do you live at 7214 and 1/2 Alvarado Street, apartment F with Officer Lucy Chen?"


"Are your eyes green?"


"Did you witness anyone taking money?"


"Were you ever alone with the money?"


"Have you ever lied to protect another officer?"

"No," Mirana says.

The polygraph technician looks at Andersen and Grey before shaking his head.

"Let's try that again. Have you ever lied to protect a fellow officer?"


"Regarding the missing money?"



"Call Nolan or Jackson," Lucy says. "We need to talk about what we're going to do"

"Alright," Mirana presses on Jackson's number before putting the phone on speaker.

"I'm with Nolan," 

"You know, if they don't find the money, we're screwed," Lucy says.

"As in facing jail screwed," Mirana says.

"We were just talking about that. I keep going over it in my mind. The only thing I can think of is that money was gone long before we ever got to the garage,"

"What the hell is this guy doing?" Lucy murmurs and Mirana turns to see a black SUV getting dangerously close to the back of Lucy's car.

"Wait. What?"

"There's a black SUV," Mirana says.

"He's riding my ass," Lucy says.

The sudden impact jolts them, metal meeting metal as the black SUV clips the back of Lucy's car.

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