130 : chaos erupted !!

164 10 6

New york

" Damnit !!" Peter keep swinging , while deflecting all incoming bullet. Seems like this agent aren't just superhuman... They are peak. Capable of dissapear in blink of an eye . Rip through metal solid with ease. And most important.... Keeping up with the upgrade of spidey power.

" Gosh , really hope shiro is here now. She might be able to help me. Skadi too. " Peter flip up and land on top of osborn building. He take out the schematic he stole when run out the hydra base. From what he read mid-swing , they are collaborating with oscorp company in making this agent , with the oscorp have their own version.

" Norman , just what are you planning. " Peter muttered under his breath. He learn hydra work with a sorcerer. Then with the psycho , goblin himself. He should made sure this job done faster. If not , many more innocent will got kidnapped and turn into those horrondeus things.

Peter start to walk to the aor vent and open it. " Well... Time for this spider to be stealthy. " He chuckle..

" That's one horrible joke bub. " Peter eyes widen and turn around. He is met with the sight of his chat admin and 2 other people.

" Harith !" Peter jump and hug him tight." Great seeing you again ! And who are they ? Why are you here ? Wait , how long have you been here ? Did i miss something ?"

Hakime rub his head in annoyance. " God damin , he's loud. " He complained.

" Heh. 1st time with someone like this ?" Silver wolf ask while chewing her bubble gum.

" Non, but i hate it. " He decide to interrupt harith , since he have enough. " Oi ! We got stuff fo be done right ?"

" Ah , right ! Peter , check the chat. You will find we got mission here in your world. "

" Really ?" Peter look suprised and see it.

[ Mission : stopping collide.of spider boi and ramen god world. ]

Peter turn pale. " Yeah... Whatever you're fighting right now involving of yours and naruto world to colliding. But fret not !! It hasn't start yet !"

Hajime narrow his eye at harith. " How did you know that ?"

" Well~ i could sense , is what i could tell when the movent between this 2 world. Good thing it hasn't start yet. "

" Uh-hu. " Hajime didn't really convice but decide to not made things hard for himself and not questioning more.

" So... Do you have a plan ?" Peter ask harith , as the man grin.

" Yep !! Hajime will follow you , while me and the little one here beat whatever those that chasing you !"

"... I should see this comimg. " Hajime sigh , before peter shake his right hand.

" Well , nice to work with you mr !!"

Hajime shake peter hand with his metal prosthetic. He suprised by the kid grip.

" .... Sure. "

Later , peter and hajime enter the vent , however , peter told harith something before he enter. Which harith of course , accept.

" So , can you fight ?" Silver wolf ask harith. The man give her 'really?' look. " Right , right. Sorry. " She pop her bubble gum , and summon her gun.

" Please don't kill them . I have a plan to handle them. Just slow them."

" Sure ? Why can't you do it yourself ?"

" I could , but whatever i'm trying to fight isn't... A regular magic. "

Silver wolf snort at harith." Magic really ? Magic is just science. " She chuckle.

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