56 : ressuruction

250 12 3

Fran pov .

Fran is watching as harith spread his darkness on ground , covering area of the size 3 times bigger than the fireball. He is in position kneeling on one leg as he spreading it.

' damn... That guy really powerful. ' Shisou admits as he is witnessing his power.  Even that greater demon dark magic seems weaker.

"Do you really have to put up the ... 'Curtain '? " naruto ask. The curtain is about 4x4x6 km size. "Seems  like you over prepare "

Harith nod. " yeah , as much as i like good fight , something's wrong with that thing. Who know what would happen if we extinguish the fireball. " harith said as he done covering the area. Be stand up as he is dusting his hand. 

"Alright... You guys... Go far back alittle ?" Fran and naruto look confused , but naruto just stand about 100 metre far from harith with fran alongside him.

" might wanted to hold onto something too." He said as he spread both his arm toward the fireball. Mahoraga enter the d-gate while the shadow goblin enter mahoraga and harith shadow.

Both look confused. "Wh-" fran is cut when harith grasp both his hand together .

" FALL !" . Everything start to being absorb into the darkness , as naruto stab murasama into rhe ground to stand the ground.

Fran also the same , only shisou using earth magic to bind fran from being pull.

" WHAT THE F*CK DUDE !"  Naruto shouted angrily as harith isn't effected much , as he made the ground into mochi and stick himself.

" DIDN'T I SAID TO HOLD SOMETHING ?!!" Harith laughed.

Fran is holding for her dear life as she being pulled . ' i take anything good i said earlier ! This guy is insane !!!'.

The tree from the unburn area also being pulled into the darkness.

The giant fireball start to becoming smaller.

" SEEMS LIKE YOUR PLAN WORKING !" Naruto shout , naking harith smirk. " OF COURSE IT WORK ! I MADE IT !"

The fireball becoming smaller , as the fire is being absorb.

' huh.. i thiught your plan wouldn't work. '. Eld honestly said , making harith annoyed.' The hell was that supposed to mean ?' .

' your plan usually end with a huuuuuge destruction. '. Jorgi admit. Ald also agree with her.

This making harith very annoyed but just not complaining since they are right.

" HOW LONG IS THIS !!??" fran is holding the shisou , as shisou use all his might to hold fran from being pull.

' OI !!!' . Harith stratle , but silently chuckled. ' i start to wondering when are you gonna talk to me. ' .

' what ?! You really kn- Gah , whatever !! Just how long is this shit !! You might kill fran too !!! '.

Harith shake his head. ' calm your hilt now.' 

' ... Was that suppose to be sword joke ...'.

'.... No ? Anyway. Don't worry , my cutting friend. If dhe somehow let slip , eventhough you hold her with earth magic , i will keep her safe. ' .

' how can i trust you ? 6ou are very reckless and maybe a pervert who want fran too ! '.

Harith sigh , as he continu the 'fall' . ' i assure you... I will keep her safe. Now just hold her , as i making this ball of heat into nothing. '.

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