Annabeth I (TLH)

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Chapter Title: I Get Nothing But Frustration At The Grand Canyon

(Note: Early release since we are getting close to the end of Book One.)

(A/N: This chapter takes partial credit from Fanfiction user "AC and AM", who wrote an unfinished fanfic about Annabeth's POV in the "The Lost Hero" that I am using to base this on. So some of their writing will be interwoven here in mine.)

We all knew something was wrong the minute we saw it. The clouds sweeping around the rocks in such a motion that it could send anyone unlucky enough to be caught in it flying multiple feet into the air. I looked over at Butch, whose face was equally filled with worry and confusion about the sight that confronted us right now. I then turned to Kayla, and a similar expression was on her face.

I descended the chariot down towards the ground. As I did, I noticed the forms of six teenagers come into view near the skywalk. No sight of Gleeson Hedge though, which was troubling to be honest. When we landed there and looked at the six teenagers, I wanted to scream and tear Hera to pieces. Percy wasn't there, neither was Luke, Michael, or Colton. Kayla was starting to sob behind me, and as much as Butch could try to get her to calm down, he could only do so much. Kayla, despite where she had gotten to in the few years we at camp had known her, had always been a fragile kid since that summer she first came to camp. She had improved dramatically in the years since, largely thanks to Colton, but she was still fragile. Right now, she was demonstrating that perfectly.

I hopped out of the chariot before it had even finished stopping. I pulled out a knife and ran over to the group of teenagers. They were.. a curious bunch, I'll admit. Three guys and three girls. They all looked to be around our age - me, Butch, and Kayla's — maybe even a few months older, and all of them looked confused, were soaking wet and covered in monster dust.

First up, there was this Hispanic-looking boy that looked like an elf with elfish-like features, dark curly hair, and eyes that sparkled with mischief, it seemed. His curly hair was glittering with monster dust and his fingers were bleeding as he fiddled with random objects. For a moment, I thought that he might be a child of Hermes, but something about this kid told me that his real godly parent was likely someone else.

Next up, there was a black guy that was taller than the Hispanic boy, with brown eyes, close cropped black hair, a good bit of muscle, and seemed familiar for some reason.. or resembled someone familiar, to put it more accurately. I'm not sure who.

Then, there was this Asian girl - whose face looked Asian, to be clear here — she could be possibly be of another ethnicity. She had short black hair, brown eyes, and honestly looked like she had been through a very bad day.

Next was this blonde haired girl next to the black haired one, and this girl was slightly shorter than the other girl. With short blonde hair, blue eyes, and a couple of scars on her forehead, she had a fiery aura about her that felt similar to the aura children of Ares - including Colton - had, yet it was also different at the same time.

The third girl was taller than both of the other two girls, and also fit with a tan complexion along with eyes that seemed to change color every-time she blinked, changing from green to blue to brown and back again. It was.. weird. Her hair was dark and choppy, with small braids littering the brown strands of her hair in places.

I gasped at the last guy. This one was taller than all of the other teens, with sharp and regal features that for a moment made me feel like I was looking at a god in the flesh, but still looked like inside he could be a big softy. He had electric blue eyes — which made me question if I was even seeing what I was seeing right now. Thalia was the only child of Zeus that exists right now, there is no way that this guy could be another one of Zeus' kids. His hair was blonde, with messily styled strands and some strands simply plastered to his forehead because of the storm.

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