Leo I (TLH)

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Chapter Title: I Go Hunting For A Dragon

(A/N: Originally, this was supposed to be where Alyssa's chapter would have gone, but after closer inspection, I've decided to move it down to where Piper's next chapter after Aphrodite claims her canonically is. Also cutting out Leo's backstory here because it basically detracts a good bit from the plot that I have in mind, plus you all — or those of you who have read TLH have already seen it in countless fanfics by now, so no need to bore you with that.)

Leo hadn't really stuck around after Piper had turned beautiful. Sure, it was amazing and all—She's got makeup! It's a miracle! —but Leo had problems to deal with. He ducked out of the amphitheater and ran into the darkness, wondering what he'd gotten himself into.

He'd stood up in front of a bunch of stronger, braver demigods and volunteered—volunteered—for a mission that would probably get him killed. He also was dreading exactly what punishment one of those demigods currently missing from camp would give him all because Leo had asked out his girlfriend, who just so happened to be an absolutely major berserk button for her boyfriend, when he had been clearly told that she was taken. So yeah, he was basically between a rock and a hard place to put it simply.

Still, he wasn't sure which was worse. Being basically on the shit list of basically the most dangerous demigod to ever exist in his era or finding out some.. painful secrets.

He hadn't mentioned seeing Tía Callida, his old babysitter, but as soon as he'd heard about Jason's vision—the lady in the black dress and shawl—Leo knew it was the same woman. Tía Callida was Hera. His evil babysitter was the queen of the gods. Stuff like that could really deep-fry your brain.

He trudged toward the woods and tried not to think about his childhood—all the messed-up things that had led to his mother's death. But he couldn't help it.

He was almost to the woods when he imagined Tía Callida's voice: It wasn't your fault, little hero. Our enemy wakes. It's time to stop running.

"Hera," Leo muttered, "you're not even here, are you? You're in a cage somewhere."

There was no answer.

But now, at least, Leo understood something. Hera had been watching him his entire life. Somehow, she'd known that one day she would need him. Maybe those Fates she mentioned could tell the future. Leo wasn't sure. But he knew he was meant to go on this quest. Jason's prophecy warned them to beware the earth, and Leo knew it had something to do with that sleeping woman in the shop, wrapped in robes of shifting dirt.

You'll find your destiny, Tía Callida had promised, and your hard journey will finally make sense.

Leo might find out what that flying boat in his dreams meant. He might meet his father, or even get to avenge his mother's death.

But first things first. He'd promised Jason a flying ride.

Not the boat from his dreams—not yet. There wasn't time to build something that complicated. He needed a quicker solution. He needed a dragon.

So what exactly did Leo do? Simple. He knew about the problem that his cabin was suffering from, so he simply went towards where the most visible sign of it lurked.

He hesitated at the edge of the woods, peering into absolute blackness. Owls hooted, and something far away hissed like a chorus of snakes.

Leo remembered what Will Solace had told him: No one should go in the woods alone, definitely not unarmed. Though, if he had to be honest, he did suspect that exceptions were made if it was basically just Colton going in there alone. From what Leo had heard, Colton did seem like the type of guy that could survive such a situation. In his own thoughts, Leo imagined someone that towered over all of the other campers — a physically intimidating monstrously built boy or young adult that would make him look like a smurf.

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