Colton I (SON)

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Chapter Title: I May Not Know Who I Am, But I Certainly Did Not Ask For Amnesia

(A/N: This is the first published chapter of the story (here on Wattpad). Odd spot for sure, but then again, it probably would make sense to start off with Colton and then Kayla for the first two chapters since this is a fanfic about them.)

I am honestly so going to punch someone right now. Or maybe a Gorgon in the face. Who knows. Don't know how I remember that the two weird ass creatures behind me and the three other guys - and the old lady on Percy's shoulders - running for our lives right now are called that, and I don't intend on stopping to find out. Not when they are literally expressing their intent to have us for dinner - basically saying that they want to kill us for gods know what reasons they might have.

If you're confused already, let me explain.

My name is Colton Reynolds. For the past week, me and three other guys named Percy Jackson, Luke Castellan and Michael Yew have been trekking south through gods know where after waking up at a gray house without having a clue of what happened prior to now or who we are and being told by a wolf lady - yes a fucking wolf lady, I cannot even make this shit up - to go south. Oh.. and all four of us are apparently demigods too. How or why, I have no clue.

I have no idea who I am, only know my name, but I remember things that I have no idea how I even remember them and the name "Kayla" is stuck in my head. I have no clue who this person even is, but I can't help but blush every time I think of her name for some reason. I really do not know why. Anyways, this morning, the four of us had ran into this old lady who said she needed a lift to some place, and Percy offered to help her out.

Right after she got on his shoulders though, these two Gorgons or whatever these creatures behind us are - Gorgons, you idiot. Gorgons! - attacked us and now here we are, running for our lives through the woods with these two hot on our heels, taunting Percy for things that I don't think he has any memory of, I think.

A shadow flew over us. "Clever boy!" yelled one of the two Gorgons, probably referring to Percy. "Found a goddess to carry, didn't you?"

I was confused. Goddess? What the fuck is she talking about? That old lady on Percy's shoulders was a goddess? Again though, I wasn't going to stop and think about it, not with them still on our tail.

"Head for the tunnel, friends!" called out the old lady on Percy's shoulders, pointing straight ahead.

I gazed through the woods. Across the clearing starting about 150 yards ahead of us and the highway was a maintenance tunnel, that was guarded by two figures that seemed to be wearing some sort of armor. What type it was.. I didn't know and couldn't tell.

"Why there?" Michael burst out. "There are guards there!"

"Oh, they'll let you in, friends.." the old lady responded, even as Percy ducked down to get her out of the way of a swipe by one of the Gorgons. " can trust those who have a similar fate as you." I did not like the sound of that statement at all to be honest. But what choice did we have?

I glanced at Luke. "Probably the best choice for survival.. if what she says is true.." he shouted, and I nodded. So it was.. the four of us were all aiming for the tunnel. Hopefully, we could get there alive with the old woman and not die.

We burst out of the woods, running like crazy. The two guards noticed us burst out of the woods and race across the highway like insane maniacs. I ducked out of the way of another Gorgon swipe, just as the old lady cackled and hollered, "Whoops!" and the sounds of another car screeching very fast to a stop could be heard.

The tunnel was now less than fifty yards away, but it seemed now that Percy was slowing a little bit. Not good.

One of the guards yelled. The dude on the left, who had a bow, nocked an arrow and quickly shot it. It nailed the Gorgon right behind me and Michael that was about to take another shot at us, and it wailed in pain. The second guard, the girl on the right, readied her spear, gesturing frantically at us to hurry.

Hearts Crossed - Kayla Knowles (2)Where stories live. Discover now