Cato I (TLH)

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Chapter Title: I Become Convinced That Leo Valdez Is Crazy

(A/N: Last chapter here before the climax of this part, which will encompass the end of the quest — where our questers confront Kronis to free Hera. Can't wait to write it honestly! Also, five chapters remain after this for Part One of the story. This chapter contains a shout-out to the following users whose OCs are featured in this chapter: -JASONSGRACE (Belle), Galatea-Green-31 (Rose), goddessofwisdom- (Alec and McKaley), Imaginebooks (Aruna and Aurora), and Az56796743 (Adriana). All of them are great fanfic writers, so I advise you all check out their PJO fanfics after you're done viewing the chapters of this book in whatever state it is in. Next couple of chapters are most likely going to be very, very long ones - since they are the climax of all of this - so enjoy the calm before the storm!)

My name is Cato Richards, son of Kratos. First time narrating in this, so believe me, I have a hunch that this will be less intimidating than.. the sight in the sky currently. Right now, I am in disbelief at what I am seeing. Not kidding here at all, I really am in disbelief. I'll be honest, I had thought I had seen everything at Camp Half Blood. Apparently however, I had not seen everything.

Because flying around in the air right now above camp is Leo Valdez on top of the Bronze Dragon. Yes, you heard me correctly. Leo Valdez on top of the fucking Bronze Dragon itself.

This shit cannot write itself.

So yeah, if I had to be quite frank here which I will, I'm probably as every bit as freaked out as the screaming duo of Piper and Alyssa nearby, and for good reason.

And that brings me to the present, as Leo descends towards the ground while still riding the dragon. How in the hell he managed to tame the thing is beyond me honestly.

"Leo?!" Piper yelled.

Like I said before, there he was, sitting atop a giant bronze death machine and grinning like a lunatic. Even before he landed, the camp alarm went up. A conch horn blew. All the satyrs started screaming, "Don't kill me!" Half the camp ran outside in a mixture of pajamas and armor. The dragon set down right in the middle of the green, and Leo put up his hands and yelled, "It's cool! Don't shoot!"

I wanted to believe him. Believe me, I did.. but given what the dragon had done to Jake and Nyssa in the past, I had my doubts about it honestly. Either way, I knew one thing was for certain. Leo Valdez is officially the craziest demigod that I have ever met.

I mean, some of the things Colton did were crazy — and the same could be said for Percy, but this.. especially given what it did to Jake, was beyond crazy. And still somehow, Leo had succeeded where the rest of his own cabin had failed time after time. It was as if the dragon had been waiting for someone like him.

Hesitantly, the archers lowered their bows. Clove looked ready to toss a knife into Leo's head or the dragon — I couldn't tell which it looked like she was going to aim for, but she too reluctantly lowered her arms, with a knife as usual in her right hand. Believe me when I say, it takes every ounce of fiber I have right now to not go into a rant about Clove.

There is something so cute about her that no matter how hard I try, I just can't place my finger on it. I must be going crazy or something.

Anyways, moving on.

I lowered my sword in my left hand. The warriors backed away, keeping their spears and swords ready. They made a loose wide ring around the metal monster. Other campers hid behind their cabin doors or peeped out the windows. Nobody, not even me, seemed anxious enough to get close and for good reason.

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