Jason I (TLH)

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Chapter Title: A Strange Woman Knows Who I Am

(A/N: This chapter is lengthened a bit more due to the addition of the new Camp Jupiter demigods to the story.)

As soon as Jason saw the house, he knew he was a dead man. Behind him, both Clara, Alyssa, and Bryce felt something similar. Something about this didn't seem right to them at all.

"Here we are!" Drew said cheerfully. "The Big House, camp headquarters."

It didn't look threatening, just a four-story manor painted baby blue with white trim. The wraparound porch had lounge chairs, a card table, and an empty wheelchair. Wind chimes shaped like nymphs turned into trees as they spun. Jason could imagine old people coming here for summer vacation, sitting on the porch and sipping prune juice while they watched the sunset. Still, the windows seemed to glare down at him like angry eyes. The wide-open doorway looked ready to swallow him. On the highest gable, a bronze eagle weathervane spun in the wind and pointed straight in his direction, as if telling him to turn around.

Either way, Drew's voice made Clara cover her ears. She had it up to here with Drew's voice because she just couldn't stand it all by now. Gods, she found it so annoying. Bryce meanwhile looked like he just wanted Drew to shut up completely now. Alyssa just tried to blur Drew's voice out, but was failing to be honest.

Somehow though, for some unknown reason, every molecule in Jason's, Alyssa's, Bryce's, and Clara's bodies told them that they were on enemy ground.

"I am not supposed to be here," Jason said. The other three just nodded grimly.

Drew circled her arm through Jason's. "Oh, please. You're perfect here, sweetie. Believe me, I've seen a lot of heroes." Alyssa and Clara simply fumed — because Piper was perfect with Jason. They might not have their memories, but both of them felt that Jason deserved to be with Piper more than with Drew. Bryce, for his part, harbored similar sentiments.

Drew smelled like Christmas—a strange combination of pine and nutmeg. Jason wondered if she always smelled like that, or if it was some kind of special perfume for the holidays. Her pink eyeliner was really distracting. Every time she blinked, he felt compelled to look at her. Maybe that was the point, to show off her warm brown eyes. She was pretty. No doubt about that. But she made Jason feel uncomfortable.

He slipped his arm away as gently as he could. "Look, I appreciate—"

"You mean Piper? Um ..."

Jason wasn't sure how to answer. He didn't think he'd ever seen Piper before today, but he felt strangely guilty about it. He knew he shouldn't be in this place. He shouldn't befriend these people, and certainly he shouldn't date one of them. Still ... Piper had been holding his hand when he woke up on that bus. She believed she was his girlfriend. She'd been brave on the skywalk, fighting those venti, and when Jason had caught her in midair and they'd held each other face-to-face, he couldn't pretend he wasn't a little tempted to kiss her. But that wasn't right. He didn't even know his own story. He couldn't play with her emotions like that.

Drew rolled her eyes. "Let me help you decide, sweetie. You can do better. A guy with your looks and obvious talent?"

Clara now stepped in between Drew and Jason. "It's not of your business, honey.." she said firmly. "What Jason wants, he can decide on his own. He doesn't need influences like you corrupting him."

Bryce stepped beside Clara, glaring at Drew who shuddered when looking at him. Jason honestly breathed a sigh of relief. It may not have lessened the apprehension and unease he felt right now, but at least he could count on Bryce, Clara, and Alyssa if need be. At least he had that going for him.

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