Travis I (TLH)

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Chapter Title: Antics On A Evening

(A/N: This is essentially the next part of the original content I said I was adding to this part of the story due to the newcomers joining the crew. First part will focus on Bryce, then the next part will be Clara, and finally Alyssa.)

Travis will admit this to be honest. He did not see the part about Bryce being a son of Hermes coming. He just didn't. In his defense, from how intimidating and unnerving Bryce appeared to be without even intending to be so, Travis thought that he was more likely a son of Typhon or something. There was just absolutely no way that he could be a son of Hermes. But yet, this was the reality for him right now.

He was having a hard time adjusting to that.

Travis knew that being a demigod was never easy, but then again who was he to complain when in all likelihood, Percy and Colton basically had it hardest of all in addition to being rivals with each other? Sure, the rest of the camp had suffered, but in almost every instance which two demigods were there (aside from Annabeth and Kayla) in the thick of the action? Percy and Colton. The way Travis viewed it, he and the rest of the camp had it easy compared to them, as well as their girlfriends. Michael only had the poor luck of being dragged into all of that in the back half, and he nearly died — if Colton hadn't saved him, they would only be searching for three missing campers, not four.

So, while it shouldn't have been all that much of a problem to simply adjust to the fact that Bryce was a son of Hermes, Travis still found it difficult regardless. Nevertheless, he at least tried to strike up some conversation with Bryce after the campfire gathering was over. "So uh.." Travis started, a bit awkwardly. God, he wished Katie was here with him, or at least Connor. Unfortunately for Travis right now, he was by himself with Bryce as they walked back toward the Hermes Cabin. Connor was managing their siblings at the moment, with the help of Chris. "..welcome to the Hermes Cabin, Bryce.." Travis continued. "I'm Travis, one of your head counselors."

"Are you always this awkward?" Bryce said back to him. Travis simply shrugged his head no in reply. "Really? Huh.. and here I thought they were crazy putting you in charge of a cabin with someone else."

"Actually.." Travis spoke up. "..they are a bit crazy, since like me and Connor.. we basically prank just about everyone else in camp, with a few exceptions."

"Such as..?" Bryce asked, curious.

"Typhon Cabin is a no-go zone.." Travis replied. "Colton would outright beat the absolute shit out of us if he did, and just to be clear, it wouldn't be the first time he's done that if we did."

"He's literally beat the shit of you and Connor.. over pranks? The fuck is up with that guy?" Bryce asked. "I get that he's the Monster King and all.." Bryce shivered just even saying those two words. "..but geez. Talk about being psycho."

"We did actually change Kayla's outfit to a swimsuit one time.." Travis admitted. "..and suffice it to say, he beat both of us up over that."

Bryce's jaw just dropped open. "Was he dating her at the time?" he asked.

Travis simply shook his head no. "He wasn't, and yet he still did so.. which wasn't that surprising. Ever since Kayla first came to camp, he had always been protective over her. Clarisse did a lot to turn him into the man he is today. Kayla only just finished the job. Like, it wasn't his choice that he ended up with her or became the Monster King.. he essentially just got prophesized to do so."

Bryce just stared at him in shock. "Wait.. you're telling me that he got hit with a prophecy that foretold that he and Kayla would fall for each other and that he would become the Monster King?" he asked, shivering twice more at the words "Monster King". Man, he wished he knew why exactly those two words chilled his entire body to the core.

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