Jason III (TLH)

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Chapter Title: I Find Myself Staring At Hell Incarnate

Alternate Chapter Title: The Lost Heroes Meet The Monster King's Minions, Part One

(A/N: Brief note here, the end of this is partially based off of the TMNT 2003 Season One Episode "The Shredder Strikes Back, Part One", the Seventeenth Episode of the Season, as well as the Tenth Episode of the same season "The Shredder Strikes, Part One" and the third episode of Back To The Sewer (Season 7) "Something Wicked". Another thing to note is that this will be a very long chapter, fair warning.

Also, special shout-out to goddessofwisdom- here for non-OC reasons, as well as Az56796743  and -JASONSGRACE for similar reasons. If you all have been keeping with this story, then this is a chapter you don't want to miss!)

Jason woke up quickly to the sound of what sounded first like rocks pelting the windshield of the helicopter that the six of them were all flying in currently. Then he realized it was sleet. He crawled forward, grabbing the seats in front of him for balance as Clara, Alyssa, and Bryce all stirred. In front of Leo and Piper, frost was building up around the edges of the glass, and slushy waves of ice blotted out the view.

"An ice storm?" Piper shouted over the engine and the wind. "Is it supposed to be this cold in Sonoma?"

Jason didn't really think so. He didn't know why at this point, but something about this storm seemed conscious, malevolent—like it was intentionally slamming them. Then again, it seemed like just about everything and everyone that the six of them had encountered on this quest had been trying to kill them — either just for trying to save Hera or for stuff that wasn't their fault at all.

After leaving Camp Half Blood, the six of them had all flown on top of Festus to Quebec to find Boreas, god of the North Wind. Jason, Clara, and Bryce had nearly gotten into a fight with Boreas' sons Calais and Zethes, but Piper had used her charm-speak to defuse the situation. The two Boreads had then let everyone inside and into the throne room, except Leo as they thought that Festus may cause trouble. Then again, the fact that Leo seemed to have instantly developed an attraction to Boreas' daughter Khione, who turned out to be working for Gaea, might have had something to do with it. Even now, Jason still wasn't sure if that had been the case or not.

Inside Boreas' throne room, they had learned that Aeolus, master of the winds, was angry with the Olympians simply because of the consequences of Typhon's defeat earlier in August, something that none of them — at least not directly or indirectly for the most part — had anything to do with. Included somewhere within the colorful version of the rants Boreas had heard from Aeolus was something about how the Monster King had the ability to command the storm spirits to stop their attacks and dissipate by the King's command, plus a lament about how Colton was currently missing — and also hadn't been smart enough or perhaps hadn't been told that he could do this. Jason wasn't sure really what to make of it.

The conversation had then turned dark, when Boreas told them that because the Olympians are Gods, Aeolus cannot take out his anger on them and instead, he has ordered Boreas and the other winds under his control to kill any demigod that asks for help, choosing to take his frustrations out on their children. Bryce and Clara, quite predictably, had been outraged when this became  known.

Boreas also explained that since Jason was a son of Zeus, they had also been under standing orders to wait for one of Zeus' kids and hear that child explain himself before passing judgement. It made sense — to a degree. Either way, Jason had been too nervous to explain his position, only to be saved by Piper — while Bryce basically pulled Jason over to the side and gave him a pep talk. Boreas then proceeded to inform them that he knew the storm spirits that had attacked them all — the questers searching for Hera — at the Grand Canyon and where their mistress resides — in Chicago. Suddenly, Boreas then transformed into another version of himself and lets them go, much to Khione's apparent displeasure as she then proceeded to briefly engage Clara in a staring contest before Clara proceeded to rejoin the others.

Hearts Crossed - Kayla Knowles (2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن