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(A/N: You'll be surprised as to who the one that the prologue is from the perspective of. Because believe me, you probably will not have expected the one I chose. Also references to TMNT 2003 Season Five here, and some fourth wall breaking too.)

He's running.

From what, he doesn't know. Actually, he does know outside of this, but inside he currently doesn't, even if this dream is the same. Again.

He's terrified of what is chasing him right now. He really doesn't want you to know what it is that's chasing him.

And judging from the sound of hoofbeats behind him that make his heart thud faster than it currently is beating, the unearthly shriek - howl that sounds like it is being emitted by a sound clip of animals gone horribly wrong, and the malicious, deep and creepy laugh that makes his blood run cold, he doesn't really want you to find out what exactly is chasing him. Not when he is still stuck in these twisted, god forsaken woods again.

He's had this nightmare night after night since when it started two days after the battle at Mount Othrys.

He's come to be very familiar - outside of this anyway - with what's chasing him. Since it is the figure that haunted him two nights before the fight at Mount Othrys.

It's someone who for some unknown reason, that he has yet to grasp, makes his arrogant, self-importance presence fade away in a heartbeat. One that could easily crush him in a mere second.

He spies the familiar clearing up ahead of him, and he gets his hopes up.. which soon, he will know it is foolish for him to have done so at least in this nightmare.

He comes out of the clearing, expecting to find Camp Jupiter ready to resist what's chasing him.

What he finds.. morphs his face to one of horror.

Monsters - not just your normal monsters.. among them big, huge beasts.. some of whom he has never seen before.. along with six figures in various elemental versions of the suits of armor worn by the despised Greeks who seem to be directing the other monsters.. are ransacking Camp Jupiter.

The temples are destroyed.

The barracks are in ruins.

New Rome is obliterated.

And at his feet are the slain corpses of his friends, his praetor Reyna, and the other praetor.. Jason.

They are all still alive in the real world, but that doesn't stop grief from overwhelming him here.

"No.. not again.." he says in shock and horror.

He sinks to sitting on his knees in depression.

"Not again!" he says in agony.

"You allowed Gaea to rise.." the voices say to him. " destroyed the Greek Camp and caused the Gods to perish. You're the reason why Porphyrion has the power of the Monster King."

He's absolutely confused as time freezes for a few moments for him to hear his own thoughts.

His thoughts are full of fear, confusion, and despair.. as they have been every single time this nightmare has occurred to him.

When he feels that time has resumed, a chill runs down his spine.

He hears the unearthly shriek - howl again, and then that evil, malicious, malevolent laughter again. He knows he needs to start running again, but he can't.

He's frozen in fear, his legs unable to move no matter how much he wants to.

He's a sitting duck, and he knows it. He can only watch as the familiar scenario in this terrifying vision plays out.

He turns around back towards those desolate, dark and cursed woods and sees the familiar yet terrifying duo come out of the woods behind him.

The familiar crown on top of the figure's head, the snarling hideous and scary face of the demon horse the figure rides upon.. it is them alright.

The duo gallop down towards him, and the horse opens its mouth full of fangs as it goes to bite him.

"No!" he screams.

That's when he wakes up.

- — - — - — - — -

Coming out of his nightmare, a boy sits straight up on his bed with a start. He's careful not to open his mouth, for he could wake the sleeping people in other beds above and around him.

He's tall, skinny, about eighteen years old.. with black hair like a certain son of Mercury blessed by Saturn, crazed blue eyes, and skin as pale as that on the body of one certain son of Pluto. He has what appears to be a purple sleep t-shirt with the letters "S P Q R" stitched on it, with the rest of his body underneath blankets.

He lays his head back on the pillow, his baggy eyes - from suffering from this night after night and not telling anyone about it - darting around frantically.

He's so confused and terrified. He's supposed to be the Augur of Camp Jupiter, and yet here he is, terrified in the middle of the night by yet another nightmare of a figure he had nightmares of prior to this current set of occurrences of a repeating nightmare.

A nightmare that has plagued him for some time, involving the destruction of Camp Jupiter and the presence of a figure very well known to the Romans.

A figure he bore witness to the resurrection of in one of his nightmares, thus him the second person in Camp Jupiter to witness the transformation of a demigod into this legendary figure.

His name is Octavian, and he needs to figure out why the hell he's having these nightmares, and more importantly what they mean for the future of Camp Jupiter.

(A/N: This is also the only Octavian perspective part of the entire book. So enjoy this brief perspective of his.)

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