Chapter 18: Azukiarai

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I: The Flowers Are Not Sleeping

Chapter 18: Azukiarai

What are you talking about, you redhead?!


July 2005, Hot Spring Town, Yamanashi Prefecture

The summer sun was very dazzling very hot, standing in the sun for a long time, and even produce a feeling of being burned.

Yayoi could not help but reach out her hand. Five fingers spread, the shadow of the palm fell on Yayoi's face, the golden sunlight poured down from the fingers. The sight of a trance, as if someone opened the incandescent lamp in the darkness for a moment. Yayoi couldn't help but tilt her head, tried to escape the sun above her head.

The layers of leaves seem to filter out the heat of summer, and the wind passed through the gap between the leaves was slightly cool, dispersed a little of the heat of summer.

The shade was so thick and luxuriant that only a few spots of light remained in the shadow. Unfortunately, Yayoi was sitting on the branch of the tree. She raised her eyes to the dazzling sun.

From the branches of the trees, the horizon of the paddy fields glistened in the sun, the ridge would divide the large pieces of fields into small pieces, the forest in this area was well protected, the people lived in this area seem to have a certain belief in something in the mountains. The verdant trees could be seen, and from a distance, Yayoi could see bright reds in the rich emerald green, which was a torii built in the forest.


Yayoi heard her mother calling to her in the distance, and the sound of her mother's calling came back and forth from the paddy field.

The red-haired little girl jumped down from the branches with dexterity like a cat, and stood up to the stone statue of the Bodhisattva of the Great Vow under the tree. The expression of the stone statue was full of compassion.

Yayoi paused, and when the wind whirled past her ears, Yayoi turned and ran in the direction of the sound.


This year's summer vacation had just begun. Yayoi and her mother received several hot spring coupons.

The hot spring towns in Yamanashi Prefecture were very famous, and countless tourists came from all over the country every year. Among the many hot spring hotels in Yamanashi Prefecture, one of them belonged to the Nozawa family.

Mrs. Nozawa was her mother's college classmate. According to her mother, Mrs. Nozawa and her mother were very good friends in college. They both like photography, have the same hobbies and join the same club. If her mother's health were better, she would not be married. If she were, she would probably become a traveler. Traveled around the world with a camera and took photos.

The hot spring coupons were sent by Mrs. Nozawa. Mrs. Nozawa also enthusiastically invited her mother to bring Yayoi as a guest. She also specifically stated in the letter that she would prepare sake, hot spring eggs, and local specialty products to entertain Haruna and Yayoi.

Mrs. Nozawa's appearance was a traditional Japanese Yamato Nadeshiko beauty, with gentle eyebrows and black hair tied behind her head with a fresh lily pinned on it, making her look dignified and beautiful.

Like everyone else, when she saw Yayoi brought over by her mother, Mrs. Nozawa subconsciously focused her eyes on Yayoi's bright red hair.

But Mrs. Nozawa just smiled gently, "Nice to meet you, Yayoi-chan."

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