Waling alps

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I was more or less fully recovered from my injury, so I was practicing airjitsu with the boys. It was a shock when they came back and Cole was a ghost, but I was trying not to mention it because of the fact that he was clearly upset about it. In fact, he had barely come out of the boys room. I was happy to be back to training with the boys, now learning airjitzu, or as jay called it, cyclone-do. We were trying to get a flag, with no luck so far. Right now, Kai was attempting, again. "Come on! Why can't we do this?!" He yelled, frustrated. 

"Kai, chill out, we're still learning it. It took us all a while to learn spinjitzu, so it's going to be a while before we master this too." I said, and he stepped back, scoffing. 

"But I don't want to have to wait! We have to save Lloyd." I paled, and gulped. "Y/n?"

"I... You know how Nya and I tried to ditch for a bit?" The boys on deck nod. "We ran into Morro, and I saw something that horrified me. Morro, he's... He's harming Lloyd." I said, thinking back to what I saw, with tears in my eyes. 

"What?! How?"

"He looks like he's being starved, and likely dehydrated too, but that's not the worst of it. He's... He's making Lloyd cut himself. Deeply. I know blood loss can make someone weak, and with the hunger and all that, if we don't get him back soon, he's going to die." Kai looked like he was going to explode, and I wanted to break down crying just talking about it. I took some deep breaths to try and calm myself, and Kai started to speak again, putting his hand on my shoulder. 

"We're going to get him back. Just wait and see."

"And we'll make sure we can help him recover physically. Mentally though, that's up to you." I nod. 

"I understand." I sniffed a couple times, and pressed on, doing airjitzu to try and clear my head. I couldn't afford to be vulnerable right now. Right now, I had to be strong. Not just for me, but for Lloyd too. Misako came out. 

"We've got the next clue. Can one of you go get the others and meet me at the bridge?"

"I'll get them." Kai said and he started to walk away. But before he left, he gave me a smile. He thought of Lloyd as a little brother. We were going to get him back. 

"Now that both Morro and you have airjitzu, it's time to turn our attention to the second clue." She said, putting photos in a projector to show all of us at the same time. "The sword in the cloud."

"Me senses tell me it could be many a swords." Zane said in a pirate accent, making me feel better. I was suppressing a laugh right now, and Jay was snickering from next to me. "Thar be the Fire Sword, the sword of destiny, the golden cutlas."

"I thought you said you fixed his voice?"

"I did. And then I made it better!"

"Jay!" I whisper yelled. I wanted to be angry, but the smile on my face betrayed me. 

"It's a funny prank, and not to mention, with all the stuff going on, we could use a good laugh." 

"Thank you." I snickered with him. "But I'm fixing it later." He nodded. 

"The sword of invisibility, the sword of invincibility."

"You're right, he is better! And y/n needed that laugh." 

"The blade of ruin."

"Aye Zane, and to add to your colorful account, there are many more swords. But it wasn't until Morro and his allies commandeered Nya's samurai mech that it all became clear. It's the sword of sanctuary, protected in the cloud kingdom." Ronan scoffed from behind us. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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