The tournament begins

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The gong sounded again, and this time, opened up to reveal the brackets. I had absolutely no clue who I was up against, but it didn't matter right now. What mattered is that none of us were in the same bracket, meaning we wouldn't have to fight each other for a while. Something Kai so wonderfully stated out loud, seeing that. 

"Better find Zane before that happens." Lloyd said, and I nodded. I know I'm not a ninja, but I still don't want to fight them. They may be a little skeptical of me though. I certainly wouldn't be surprised of they were. After all, to them, I'm just a stranger, who could by lying to gain their trust. Lets hope they see I'm not before then. 

Clouse opened a chest behind Chen, which I looked at while Chen talked. "Behold! A jade blade!" A very intricately designed knife shone in the light of the area. "Here, it represents life. Obtain it, and you move on. Fail? Loser! Rules are simple. Every match will be different! No two fights will be the same. Your powers are what keeps you in the tournament. Use it or lose it!" 

The metal head from before spoke. "What does Karlof win?"

"Win and you stay on the island. Win it all and you get fortunes beyond your wildest dreams! And a lifetime supply of Master Chen's noodles. But no one is here because of noodle. You want the glory of being the greatest fighter, in all of ninjago!" Everyone but me and my new acquaintances cheered. 

"And what happens if they lose?"

"Lose? Who here likes to lose?" Everyone else laughed, but I had a sinking feeling about this. "Now please, enjoy my island. It's a super fun, happy place! Ha ha ha! Fun time on me." 

"You'll now each be shown to your rooms." With a clap of his hands, a bunch of kabuchi maids came to gather us. The ninja fought back, and lloyd yelled something about staying together, but I just let myself be lead to my room. I looked behind me and I saw Lloyd was giving me a worried look. I smiled and winked to him, seeing his face flush slightly. I'll be alright. I'll meet up with them later. In the meantime, checking out where I'd be staying for the next while sounded pretty good to me. 

My room was a simple grey with gold trim and black bedsheets and curtains. But the vanity had a ton of authentic jewelry with things ranging from Achroite to Zirconia. I already had on a sakura quartz bracelet, and a seven chakra necklace. I had several piercings in both ears, and even one in my nose, but due to my job as a jeweler, I couldn't have most of them in. I looked through the collection of earrings. I put in some emerald, sapphire, ruby and garnet gems, and a set of diamond for the hell of it. A small bloodstone went in my nose. I grabbed a pearl choker, placing it around my neck, and a jade ring. 

I changed into some more comfortable clothes, a PJ top and shorts. Just as I was putting my hair up, a trumpet sounded over the PA. "Fellow fighters! around my island are enough jade blades for all the fighters except one." Shit. I threw open my doors, and closed my eyes, listening for the frequency. "The one who returns to the palace empty handed, loses! The tournament begins-" Almost got one.. There! "Now!" I ran over to the entrance, a place where nobody would think to look, right above where we came in! 

I focused on a structure for a second, making a gem grow under my feet. A cubic structure, diamond. I made a sharp end with another gem, a quartz, and cut the blade down. Right as it got to my hands, I felt my structure shake. I jumped down, and rolled a little, still holding firm to the blade, and saw Karlof there. He may be big, but he's also slow. I smiled to myself, knowing I had this in the bag. I made myself a few platforms, and jumped to each one, destroying it after it left my feet. Eventually, I was able to jump over the wall, and ran for the arena front. 

I wasn't the first one there, nor was I one of the last. I got there, and handed the blade to Clouse, and sighed. I walked to the middle, and sat on the ground. I just wanted to sleep. Is that so much to ask for? 

Soon enough, there were only two left. Cole came running in, yelling that he had one, an while I was happy, I was also really fuckin tired. "Cole! Woo hoo! You made it!"

"Where's kai?"

"You know, I thought there was a suspicious lack of flirting going on." Lloyd chuckled, and sat down next to me. 

"Tired much?"

"Yeah." I lifted my head, and he looked at me. "What?"

"You have something on your nose." I was confused for a millisecond, before I laughed. 

"I have a piercing on my nose. That's probably what you're seeing." He nodded. 

"Did.. Did they hurt?" I knew what he was talking about this time. 

"A little, but not a lot. It's like getting a shot really. I've had most of these since I was sixteen."


"I'm eighteen."

"Almost seventeen." I chuckled. 

"Ah, a child."

"I'm still taller than you though." We laughed together about that, when Karlof came rushing in with the last blade. Lloyd looked distressed, but then Kai unscrewed karlof's arm, and grabbed the blade, putting it in the last open place. We all cheered. 

"We have a loser!" 

"He cheated!"

"I did what I had to do!"

"That is not how you win."

"Fine, I lose. Karlof never wanted to be on stinking island."

"Aw, I'm sorry to hear you did not enjoy your stay. Gut I guess it works out for the best. This is goodbye!" He pressed a button and karlof dropped through a trap door. "As you can see, loose and you're out. Break any rule, and you're out. Never bite the hand that feeds. Now rest up! Tomorrow the tournament will recommence." A gong crashed, and with that, we were all off to our rooms. 

I could have sworn I heard some murmuring during the night, but brushed it off. It was probably my imagination. 


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