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As the dragon roared in the distance as thunder roared and lighting crackled in the sky. "Take positions!" Wu told us, and we got into them without a second thought. Normally I would be behind the group, but seeing as I was the only one able to use my powers right now, that wasn't an option. Besides, I had just learned spinjitzu, so technically I was allowed on trips and adventures now. 

We watched as an undead elemental dragon flew around us, horrified. "I'll give him that much, that ninja never quits."

"Isn't that kind of what we're known for though?" 

"True." The dragon circled around and fired at us. 

"Port side!" Nya managed to miss the shot, but only by a few hairs. 

"The cannons!" Cole tole Jay, who instantly got on them. I made a crystal bow and arrow, and started to fire the obsidian arrows at him, maneuvering them after firing to chase him. But he was too fast, and I had to disintegrate them before I hit the wrong target. Jay continued to fire, spinning around to aim, but kept missing. Another fireball was thrown at us, and we again managed to dodge, but only barely. 

"Let me get this straight, you're just now telling us you had another pupil before us, and now his cursed spirit has possessed Lloyd, all so that he can take your staff?!" Jay screamed. I wanted to do the same, but was too scared of the possible repercussions. Images of my father flashed in my mind, of him yelling at me, strangling me, beating me within an inch of my life. I held my tongue. 

"Morro won't stop until he gets what he's after. There's a secret message engraved on it. All these years I had no idea."

"Of course! Ha, just another day in ninjago." Jay said with distressed sarcasm. The dragon flew up next to us, and we all started to panic. Or, at least, I did internally. 

"If this is as fast as the bounty goes, I think we're in for some serious trouble!" Morro flew overhead and dropped onto the bounty. He cackled, summoning twin blades, and I did the same. Clearstone blades would have nothing on him. 

"If it's a sword fight you want, then it's a sword fight you're gonna get." I told him. 

"I need ink and parchment to make an imprint to see what's on the staff."

"Kai and I will take you to our quarters, while Jay, Cole and Y/n will keep him busy." 

"Oh, that's honorable for you to nominate us."

"Yeah, we didn't fare so well last time. Why is it you get off with the easy task?"

"Because I'm the intelligent one." Was all he said before he jumped down. 

"No time to argue, we got a ghost to fight and a leader to save."

"Y/n's right, let's take this guy!" We all got in a fighting stance and prepared to go down fighting. or at least, I was ready to do so. We all ran after him, Cole and Jay with a single sword each, while I had my clearstone blades. They charged at him, keeping his distracted as I came up from behind. He knocked Jay and Cole away easily though, and spun around to face me. He attacked and I blocked with my swords, but I couldn't block his kick to my thighs, knocking me down. The boys came back for more, and Cole got thrown to the side of the ship. 

Nya knocked the swords out of his hands with a spin blade and dressed in her samurai gear. "Go Nya!" I yelled, getting myself back up. I made a diamond spear, and spun it, blocking his electricity attack. Thank god diamonds can't conduct electricity. In fact, they're an insulator. Morro kicked me, as Nya jumped away, and I just barely stayed on the ship. He sent out a wave of lightning, and damaged the auto pilot. "This is not good." I said my myself, pulling myself back on board as the ship started to go down. We all yelled, and I was flung back to the edges of the ship, holding on for dear life like the others. 

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