Corridor of elders

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"Chen has- kai village- everyone- attacked first- nothing- stop them!"

"I'm not making heads or tails of this." I muttered, sitting in the noodle truck with Lloyd. We had been about to take off, when he insisted that we stay and try to get a signal on the others, and I had agreed. But I was regretting it now, since the static of the radio, along with only little vuts of Nya's voice was driving me slightly mad. 

Lloyd shrugged from next to me. "Hurry- too late!"

"Tell us where we need to go. I can't use my dragon power, but y/n can. We'll get there and-" The radio cut out. "Nya? Nya? Can anyone hear me?" The radio buzzed again. I sighed. 

"Switch seats with me babe." 


"Unless you know how to drive-"

"Okay okay, I'm moving." He hopped out and walked around as I scooted over, and turned the ignition, putting my hair up. "Why are you- woah!" I hit the gas as soon as he was in. Was I speeding? Yes. Were we in a hurry? Also yes! Was the fate of ninjago resting on us getting to our location? Duh! 

"Put on your seatbelt. We're in for a bumpy ride!"

"Why are you driving like a lunatic?!"

"Oh I dunno, I just felt like it." I said sarcastically. "Why do you think I'm driving like a lunatic?!"  

"Fair, but I'm just scared we're going to crash!"

"The fucking fate of ninjago rests on us getting back to the samarai X cave. I won't crash, I'm actually pretty good at this. I'm just trying to get us there ASAP."

"And I'm worried about us getting there in one piece!" I slowed down a tiny bit but was still speeding. "Thank you." I flicked on the radio, and turned it to some classic rock. 

"Get comfortable. Even with me driving like this, we're a long way out, so we've got a lot of ground to cover."

"How much?"

"About an hour and a half worth."

"Didn't feel like that long before."

"Cause that guy was speeding even faster than I was. Plus, we had the dragons and more adrenaline. Of course, it didn't feel like that long." 

I saw another noodle truck driving closer so I put on the breaks and slowed to a stop. Nuero pulled up beside me. The windows were pulled down, and I cut the radio. 

"They're heading west. I tried to stop them, but I'm just a mind reader. I couldn't help anymore. Wasn't Lloyd with you?" He leaned forward. "Oh, there you are."

"You can help us. Can you send a message to all the fighters at once?" 

"I can try?"

"What are you planning?"

"Something awesome." He smirked. "Have everyone meet back and regroup at the samarai X cave. From there, we're going to plan how to stop the anacondrai." Nuero used his powers. Now it's only a question of if it worked. 

It worked, and I gave Lloyd a kiss for his idea. He blushed and shied away a bit, which made me giggle. We went next to his family. "Tea?" Wu asked misako and garmadon, but only gave the tea to misako. Shit, they know now, don't they? 

"He knows about the letter?"

"The message has been delivered." I felt bad for garmadon and gave him a hug in sympathy.

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