Chen's ship

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It wasn't very long before the day of the tournament. I was packing everything I'd needed, like clothes, toiletries, and some *Ahem* personal items if you catch my drift. Not like that, get your minds out of the gutter. I mean tampons. I didn't want to be relying on the chance they have extras in case I start. 

Anyways, after I was done packing, I headed to the dock, and saw the ninja there. What in the world are they doing here? Oh, wait, dumb question. Likely the same thing as me. "The tournament of elements. You think all of them have powers like us?" I chuckled. Kai looked at me. "What's so funny?"

"Did you think you were the only ones? That's kind of funny." 

"Hey-" Lloyd inturrupted him. I'll admit, he was pretty cute! The photos of him don't do him justice.

"She's right though. When I asked my dad about it, he got really suspicious. Like there's something he's keeping from me." I listened, but pretended I wasn't eavesdropping. Instead I fiddled with my sakura quartz bracelet. Lloyd glanced at me one more time, as if he was looking for something. 

"The fortune cookie said to tell no one, or else there'd be consequences."

"Relax, we're cool." The ship pulled up, and a man with way too much gel in his hair stepped forward. "We don't know for sure if this is a trap. Wherever they take us we have to stick together."

"Watch your step madam." The girl in the orange cloak turned around, and kai looked smitten. I rolled my eyes. 

"We can't let anything distract us. You hear me kai?"

"Huh? Uh, yeah. Whatever you said." I chuckled again, this time lloyd looked at me. I looked at him, and raised an eyebrow. Was he going to say something? 

"Master Chen will be charmed to see you've accepted his offer. A maaster of spinjitsu will fare favorably in his tournament." 

"Hey, we're not here to fight, we're here to save a friend."

"Don't be so petty master Jay. Everyone here has something to fight for." He said, pulling a pair on nunchucks out of his bag. 

"Chopsticks. I'm a big eater, heh." They were tossed in the river. 

"A pleasure, master of gems."

"If I don't find my friend, I won't hesitate to get violent." I glared at him. I may hate to fight, but I'll do it for what's right. 

"Lloyd, wait!" He turned to see an older man running up to him. His father maybe? "If you get on that boat, you may never return."

"What are you doing here dad?" I was right. His father. I smiled bittersweetly at the thought of mine. I never met my mom, but my dad was a drunk. I basically grew up by myself. But there were moments where he was sober and we'd have fun. The memories are semi-sweet at best. 

I was so lost in my thoughts, I only came back when I heard a splash. "I stand corrected, there's room now."

"Don't worry, I'm not here to compete. Just to look out for my interests." Lloyd smiled.

"Let's ship out!" The guy yelled. I didn't learn his name. 

We were off to this strange island, and I was minding my own business, just chilling while I fiddled with another bracelet, this one made of agate and jasper. People were practicing with their elements, but I stayed out of it. I Was best with hand to hand combat, and I doubt anyone would want to spar with me. Instead, I listened in on garmadons conversation. I'm a nosey person by trade, but I try to keep it to myself. Messing with a ruby knife I formed, I went through chemical compounds in my head. Every power has their drawbacks, and having to know things is mine. 

"You know him. You said his name's Clouse." So that was his name. 

"Don't be fooled by his attire. He is a master of dark arts, and master Chen's number two."

"Huh. I thought Master Chen's number two was an eggroll and fried rice." I smiled a little at that. 

"Why haven't you or wu ever told us there were others with powers like us?" I wanted to chime in with something witty, but held my tongue. This was not my conversation. 

"Because there are some things we don't want you to know. You were lead to believe you were special, yet you never questioned where your powers came from."

"Uh, are you implying that I'm not special?" I wanted to laugh I really did. 

"Everyone on this ship is a descendant of an original elemental master."

"Elemental master? Who were they?" 

"They were the first spinjitsu master's guardians. Each endowed with an elemental power that has been passed down through generations."

"If that's true, so is my sister Nya. But she can't do what I can."

"Can't she? Power lies within all of you. It only needs to be awoken. The fighters here serve no master, and have managed to unlock their own true potential. For instance, that pale man. A distant relative of the master of light. Watch closely and you'll see how he's remained hidden all these years." The man in question turned invisible. A man zoomed by, and I almost dropped my knife. "Then there's Griffon Turner, grandson to the master of speed." The man said something I didn't bother catching. 

"Um, master of speed? That's not an element!"

"So says the master of lightning." Oof, hard blow there. 

"Oh snap, he got you there!" 

"Who's the girl eavesdropping?" Lloyd said motioning to me. I laughed. 

"Took you that long to figure it out?" Master garmadon took a long look at me. 

"You must be y/n l/n, daughter of the master of crystal and gems." I snapped my knife to dust, and smiled. "Nosey, just like your mother was. A spitting image of her too." I was a little surprised. 

"You knew my mom?"

"We were best friends during the serpentine wars. If only you could have met her." 

"And yet, I've never met you either. If you knew my mother, you must have known my father. Surely you would have thought to visit." I was more than a little miffed. 

"I was a little bit banished to the underworld while you were growing up. I do apologize for that." My glare softened. 

"I had no idea. Well, let bygones be bygones. I hear you're looking for a friend, correct?" Lloyd looked at me. 

"Could say the same about you."

"Well, I believe we can benefit one another. After all, we're looking for the same person." The ninja went quiet. 

"How did you know.."

"Zane told me all about you guys when I helped rebuild him. When he went missing, I knew you would come, and so here you are." Kai saw something and went to go take care of it. Turns out the girl he was going for was being harassed by some guy with big metal hands. Not my problem. I went back to fiddling with a knife, now made of a more crystalline structure, and lloyd looked at me. 

"What? Do I have something on my face, or do you just like what you see?" I winked at him, and his face turned red. He turned away to watch Kai fight some guy. kai threw fire, and the guy turned into steel. 

"What is this, iron man?" Something in Lloyds eyes sparked, but I ignored it. I was more enthralled with the fight going on. Man I wish I had some popcorn. 

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