Chapter 6

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Sarah and John are back in the room.

This time Sarah has constructed a place where they can both learn and become more. After all this is what the room is all about.

There is a sense of romance from Sarah towards John. Since the last encounter Sarah was different.

The entire setting screams romance as it is in a backyard hundreds of square acres of garden and flowers as far as the eye can see. The grass is green and the building behind them is an eighteen sentry setting. Something out of a romantic novel.

John is entirely oblivious to this and is only focused on wrapping his head around the new alien and depending doom upon him, while Sarah seems to have other ideas.

Sarah has arranged for a nice afternoon brunch and she is dressed in a long dress with flowers print, roses. Her long blonde hair is waved to perfection. She has a subtle hint of perfume and her makeup is just enough to give her that perfect smooth innocent look. She seems absolutely beautiful as the sun hits her curves and face just right.

John, does notice her absolutely stunning beauty as he walks out on the the patio where he is surprised by the brunch and small table with only two chairs.

Sarah, aren't we supposed to be doing something else other than thinking of eating and enjoying the magnificent garden? I have to say you look absolutely beautiful, but we have impending doom awaiting us!

John, I thought it would be nice to sit down and talk like normal people... might I dare say humans?

I agree, it's been a while I have almost forgotten we are the only humans we have seen in a while. This is great Sarah! When did you... o wait.

Haha Yes John it was no effort at all. The hair took a while and I could not find my makeup.

Well you look absolutely mesmerizing and a sight for sore eyes. This entire setup is.

While John and Sarah enjoy the meal while talking they seem to catch one another completely off guard as they both feel eh attraction to one another. Sarah looks at John differently and seems much more comfortable, but she does seem a little bit on edge.

John fell in love with her the first time he laid eyes on her but he could not and did not have a single second to think about everything that's been happening the last few days.

So Sarah, what is your story? And might I say how I have been single for almost four hundred years. As John blushes and quickly looks into the distance.

John Cohan. I was born in October nine teeth in the years sixteen hundred and fifty seven. This was when. Sarah Anne Castile was born and here I am three hundred and fifty five years later. I was married twice, however as you can imagine being practically immortal I gave up on love two hundred years ago. I have not found... I mean I don't think my foreseeable future will live happily ever after.

Wow! You are old! Haha

Watch it young man!

I am just saying you still look like you are twenty five years of age! I am sorry about your husbands I assume they... well...

Yes John I saw one to war and he never returned and then later years married and saw that man die of old age. I swore to never love again the pain of not passing with your ... let's talk about something else shall we. As you can almost see the tears starting to build up in Sarah's eyes she quickly looks away.

I can only imagine Sarah. I am truly sorry! So you met ... you know the Secrions when exactly now?

Well I was studying all sorts of things in sixteen seventy eight. The year I turned twenty one. I was very interested in psychology and arts. I met Lisa in one of the lectures that was given by a well known psychologist in the theory of the subject matter. She was intrigued by my passion for people so I introduced myself like one would politely in those days.

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