Chapter 4

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Alternate dimension and parallel room

When John got dressed, not sure what to expect from Sarah and this hidden secret room he decided to get dressed casually. Thinking he could be running around and jumping over obstacles and such.

He heads to the room and as he gets to the door... he laughs and thinks yes she does not do the telepathic thing so he has to knock or something? So he proceeds to knock on the door. He waits a few seconds and knocks again... nothing. Just as he turns around, he hears a voice.

Come in, John , I was occupied. Sarah's voice coming from beyond the door.

Beyond the door is nothingness, darkness he can't see anything.

Sarah, what... how should... I can't see anything Sarah!

Just walk in like you would normally be silly! As she explains to John.

John is very hesitant and weary to just walk in. Normally you can see a floor or something... anything!

He musters up his courage and closes his eyes and steps foot into the door. He can feel the floor and it feels safe as he proceeds to walk in. His eyes still closed.

Sarah takes his hand. John gets a fright and quickly opens his eyes.

He is standing in a normal room! Haha as he laughs. Wooden floor white yellowish walks, antique like floors and walls. Two windows across from the door with wooden frames, single windows with a very bright light shining through. A single chair in the middle of the room facing the fireplace. A small fire is burning and the room feels warm with light and heat.

Sarah I could not see the room from outside.

Yes, John, this room is special. You will only see what you want to see when you enter the room. Time here also does not pass like normal time. We call it time dilation.

O, so this is how you are almost four-hundred years old and still look like you are in your twenties?

Yes John, there is more to that, but for now that is half the case. If you look into the mirror, you will see your age has also improved significantly!

John turns back towards the door he entered and sees the self standing antique mirror next to the door.

Yes I do look much younger! I look great actually!

It is half the room and your recent transformation that has caused your cells to mutate and restructure. That is why we are here to figure out why.

The room is a place where you can stop time. Train, learn and create a reality that you desire. We will be spending a lot of time here. I have learned everything I have learned over the last three hundred years about all the things I wanted to learn. I don't know nearly as much as Xe, but I know what I need to do.

Look Sarah, I just met these people a few days ago and my life has changed entirely. I don't understand half of what the fuck is going on half the time. Care to enlighten me on why I shape shifted?

Well John, I suspect that you have what we call dark matter particles that activated in you when you left earth and walked around on Xe's planet. You must have been exposed to all the Secrions and a combination of all this caused your cells to start activating and mutating. I don't know how the Secrions work completely but they take secreted fluid from an object and by touch alone they can alter their own state and physical bodies and shape shift into what was secreted, it seems like a process that works one hundred percent with them. We have tried it on others but only on earth. So it seems exposing you to outer space or any other planet other than earth and the environments you seem to have given us the key to something we were not aware of. Exposure. Well human exposure to be direct.

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