Chapter 3

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The transformation

The next morning, things seem very different. John wakes up on the floor, feeling strange, very strange. As he gets up from the floor he realizes that he does not feel like he should feel. As he rushes downstairs to the mirror in the entrance hall.. what he sees shocks him beyond belief! He is staring back at something else completely! This massive beast-like creature! A dragon but no wings, golden skin and dark eyes that seem to pierce the soul just by staring quickly! He has golden skin and stands proud like a dog on all fours. He has no mouth and a long tail that seems to be a bit out of control. His tail is crashing into everything, breaking vases and he is aware of the damage he is causing right now.

Sarah rushes down the stairs and slowly walks towards him in mesmerizing awesomeness and scary sight! This massive tailless dragon standing before her... you are a Draguthon!!?? As she is confused and shocked. John what happened? John is that you?

Yes Sarah, it is me. I have no idea what's going on. I woke up like this and this tail is out of control! As John telepathically speaks to Sarah. He can see her but she is resonating a light around her that he can see for the first time as if he can see more colors and beyond the normal natural human visible spectrum.

Sarah I can see more. I can feel everything around me!

John it would seem like you transformed completely into a Draguthon, but you are not exactly the same as what we are familiar with.

The group comes out to find out what the fuss is about and witnesses the scene in amazement.

What the hell is going on? How in the fucking hell did this happen? As Andrew shockingly expresses his fear. I thought you said John didn't touch anything on Xe's planet? Andrew seems furious about this.

Yes I am sure! It must be something that Xe knows about... that is why he said are we ready for what is to come... as Lisa explains.

Are you telling me Xe knew about this the entire time? John is very confused once again as always.

Can you hear me Zyphius?

Wh... how can I hear you Xe? How are ...

Don't worry about how I witnessed you transform! I didn't want you to undergo the teal messy transformation we usually go through but it worked!

What? You did this to me? How dare you? John's entire golden skin starts getting brighter and resonates a light that can only be described as star light!

Wow this is incredible! I have so much to research! Sarah seems to know about what is going on here also.

Sarah, what are we doing with this? Jack seems to be calm and collected and seeking resolution. How can Xe keeps us in the dark about this? We are one and he is causing a problem we need to contain and prepare John for. Jack has some ideas but he, the controller and soldier, are always calm and ready to address any issue.

The first thing we need to do is to get John to planet Draguthon! As Jack sounds serious about getting him ready. The planet as you all know will feed his current state and give him energy to transform back.

Everyone agrees with Jack and a portal opens up to the planet Draguthon.

The planet Draguthon is a harsh planet, Sarah cannot travel to Draguthon herself. So they all need to shape shift, transform into the Beats so they can. The atmosphere is so harsh it burns parts of the planet's surface. But the Draguthons thrive on solar radiation.

The planet is home to all the Draguthons that were saved by Xe millions of years ago. This creature or species was unique and had to be saved as the planet they lived on was killing them.

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