Chapter 9

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  walking into the gardens it was filled with people all talking and laughing without a care in the world, it honestly kinda disgusts me these people don't know what it's like outside these walls

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walking into the gardens it was filled with people all talking and laughing without a care in the world, it honestly kinda disgusts me these people don't know what it's like outside these walls.

Xaro had gifted me a green and gold outfit designed like most of the male clothing here, the material was obviously very expensive. A servant walked past me with a tray of wine and taking a cup i tasted the wine and it too was obviously very expensive.

Continuing to walk through the party i spot daenerys and jorah, dany spots me as well and waves, beginning to walk over to them a woman bumps into me almost making me spill my wine. Old me would have lost my mind and wanted her dead, but that was the old me. "I am so sorry please forgive me i was not watching where i was going." she says frantically, and looking at her i notice she wears a type of mask hiding her face only her eyes being seen and they stare straight at me "it's quite alright my wine is still in my cup so all is forgiven" i say giving her a smile before walking off, but she stops me.

"it is not everyday i get to meet a prince...a targaryen prince at that, tales of targaryen beauty proves true." she says still staring at me very intently "your flattery moves me miss, but i must get going now" i say beginning to walk away again before she speaks up "be wise in who you trust young prince, for they are not who they claim to be....darkness follows the promised one and its protector" hearing her say this i turn around only to find her gone, i look around in confusion, but choosing to just ignore it i make my way to dany and jorah.

"Seems you have admirers brother" daenerys says teasingly and i roll my eyes "well you seem to have one yourself sister i see the way xaro looks at you i mean it disgusts me and makes me wanna chop his head off but i see it." Now it was her turn to roll her eyes. 

"Mother of dragons" me and dany turn around to see a man in a purple rob who looks creepy as ever with sunken eyes that looks like he hasn't slept in weeks and blue stained lips "father of dragons" he says turning his gaze to me "on behalf of the warlocks of qarth i welcome you" he says bowing "would either of you like to be a volunteer for my demonstration?" he asks and i immediately speak up "i'll do it" saying this he gives a smile showing off the blue stains in his teeth. He holds out his hand for mine, resting my palm in his hand he places a gem in it "take this gem look into its depths, so many facets look closely enough and you can see yourself in them.

I do as he says and train my eyes on the gem, "often more than once" he says and i look up at the gasps around me as i see another version of him. My eyes widen at what i am seeing "should you grow tired of xaro's baubles and trinkets it would be an honor to host you both at the house of the are always welcome father and mother of dragons. With that he walks away along with his other version.

"My apologies pyat pree is one of the thirteen, it was customary to extend him an invitation." xaro appears offering his apologies "it seems the dress i picked for you suits you well..and you father of dragons" he says only to look at me for a second then return his attention to dany, "thank you sir but may i ask what is the house of the undying?" daenerys asks with curiosity. "It is where the warlocks go to squint at dusty books and drink shade of the evening, it turns their lips blue and their minds soft, so soft they actually believe their power tricks are magic." he says laughing and beginning to escort dany away, I immediately go to follow only for dany to stop me "i'll be back vis" she says "but.." i try to refuse but she insists "you should go mingle with people too i'm sure they'd be honored to meet a future king." she says with a smirk before going off i let out a sigh and walk off "i wonder where that man with the wine went?" i mumble to myself.

Jorah pov

"You watch over them" turning around i am faced with a masked women "do i know you" i ask in confusion "i know you jorah mormont of bear island" hearing this she gets my attention now on edge "who are you?" i ask her " i am no one, but she is the mother of dragons and he the father, She needs true protectors now more than ever and he will be that for her...together they will remake the world...with time, there will be those who come day and night to see the wonder born into the world again and when they see they shall lust, for dragons are fire made flesh and fire is power." She leaves without saying anything more leaving me in thought as i turn to see dany gone and viserys knowhere in sight.

I found a spot in the garden away from everyone else slowly sipping my cup of wine as i thought back to that women she told me to be careful in who i trust which i already am but what she said about the promised one and me being the protector is what really wouldn't leave my mind. "I wondered where you went my prince" turning my head i see jorah making his way to me "viserys jorah, just viserys" i say as he takes a seat beside me "what are you doing sitting alone viserys?" he asks "this place is weird it's beautiful yes but idk maybe im just not a people person." i say letting out a small laugh "can't say i don't agree, but your gonna need to be a people person if you are to be king." he says and let out a sigh "see jorah that's just the thing i'm not king material sure i can play the role for a while,but when it comes down to it im not meant to rule."

Jorah doesn't say anything for a while and i put my cup of wine down turning to look at him "you don't have to say anything but you know it's true and you know between me and my sister who is really meant to sit the throne." i say and he turns to look at me. We stare at each other as if coming to an understanding "we should go check on your sister" he says standing and i nod my head.

We look around the party for dany but don't see her, i stop one of the dothraki "have you seen your khaleesi?" i ask him "she's in her chamber" with that me and jorah make our way there. Getting there i knock on her door "dany it's me" the door swings open immediately and she grabs my arm pulling me in and ushering jorah inside "dany what's wrong?" i ask concerned "Robert baratheon is dead." she says looking between me and jorah then trains her eyes on me "what who told you this" jorah asks "xaro" she says "and how does he know" jorah asks dany as i go to sit on the couch.

"Does it matter how, viserys he is dead now is our time we can go home." She says turning her attention to me eyes full of hope "and how do we get there dany we have no ships and with what army they surely won't open the gates and welcome us with open arms." I tell her trying get her to see reason "but they pray for your return and we would have ships and an army...if i marry xaro." hearing this i stand up looking at her as if she's gone mad "khaleesi do you hear yourself" jorah interjects "dany listen to me you won't sell yourself we will find another way and plus they do not pray for the mad kings son i assure you" i say in slight anger "well what do suppose we do viserys the seven kingdoms are at war with one another and false kings fight each other, starks fight lannisters and baratheons fight each other."

"Rich men do not become rich by giving more than they can get they'll give your ships and an army but own you forever, moving carefully is the hard way but the right way." jorah says trying to get her to understand "and if i'd listen to that advice outside the gates of qarth we'd all be dead, you know it's true viserys" she says turning her attention to me "jorah has a point and so do you now would be a good time to strike with the great house at each others necks but we will not look to people like xaro for it...we will get the army ourselves, we will get the ships ourselves and our dragons are too vulnerable right now dany" i tell her "don't speak to me like a child" she says "I only seek.." i begin to say before she cuts me off "what is it you seek vis!?" she says with anger "to see you sit the throne!" i respond frustration consuming me.

Daenerys looks at me mouth open and eyes wide while jorah looks to the floor. "what" she asks completely stunned, i walk up to her and grab her hands "we both know it dany out of all our fathers children it's you dany, rhaegar practically gave it up the moment he went off with lyanna stark and i...well im just not fit, but you dany you have a gentle heart and a way with the people you can deny it but you would not only be respected and feared you would be loved." i say looking her in the eyes "vis i...its yours by right" she says voice shaking "was it aegon the conquerors by right?" i ask with a small smile, she looks to jorah only to see him nod his head "we'll get you there dany...i'll get you there but we have to go bout this the right way and i won't let you sell yourself for it." We continue to look at one another "ok, i trust you."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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