Chapter 8

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After being let into the city we were immediately showed to our rooms

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After being let into the city we were immediately showed to our rooms. Having a bath, food and a good nights rest on the softest bed i've felt in a while i was feeling brand new.

It was the next day, the sun shined on my face waking me out of my sleep. Rolling over to face away from the sun i come face to face with rhaella my dragon, deciding to name her after my mother seemed only fitting "how did you get out" i ask myself sitting up and seeing her cage wide open "you are one sneaky dragon" i say smiling letting her crawl into my palm "what do you say we go visit dany and your brothers" i ask to her which she screeches in return.

After getting ready for the day i head over to dany's room with rhaella perched on my shoulder,but not before stopping by ser jorahs room first. Standing in front of the door i give it 3 knocks taking a step back waiting for it to open, hearing shuffling on the other side, the door suddenly swings open. "My prince good morning what can i help you with" he asks looking a little surprised and i don't miss the look he gives rhaella, I can tell he's still shocked about my children being born. "morning ser i came to ask if we could continue our sword lessons i want to keep up with them as much as possible." i ask him "oh yes of course give me some time to ready myself and we can go find somewhere to train" he says nodding his head "great i was on my way to see daenerys so you can find me in her room" i say to him "will do my prince see you then" he says going to close the door but i stop him with my voice "oh and jorah please try to call me viserys more so much formality isn't needed when it's just us" i tell him before walking away.

On the way to dany's room i admire the place that we are in i must admit it is quite beautiful. Getting to danys room i knock on her door, the door is then opened by doreah on of dany's serving girls "good morning my prince" she says to me "good morning im just stopping by to see dany" i tell her "of course come in" she says moving to the side to let me in. "vis" dany says as she sees me and she smiles which immediately makes me smile "good morning dany" i say to her then rhaella screeches from my shoulder wanting attention. dany then comes up to me and starts cooing at the dragon "have you decided what you shall name her" she asked as she takes rhaella from my shoulder and walks over to the window with me following behind.

"rhaella" is all i say and that causes dany to turn her head to me first shocked then smiling fondly "that's a perfect name" she sets rhaella beside her dragons and they start to play with one another. "Drogon that is what i've decided to name him after drogo." She says pointing to the black and red one, "and the other two i named rhaegal and viserion...after you and rhaegar" she says running her finger over said dragons heads. I just look at her in per awe she could have named them anything else but name them after me and rhaegar makes my heart warm "thank you dany" i say to her and she just gives me a smile in return.

"i've also figured out how to get them to eat" she says smirking i peek up at hearing this "it seems they don't favor eating raw meat and prefer it cooked and i figured out the word our ancestors used to get them to blow fire was dracarys" she says as she goes to grab a small piece of meat "here you try" handing me the small meat i set it in front of rhaella "dracarys" i say and she looks at me oddly at first then she opens her mouth and out comes a small flame roasting the meat and she eats it, i smile wide in joy even laughing a bit this was real progress for us considering we knew nothing of dragons.

Just then a knock is heard on the door doreah goes to get it and on the other side jorah is standing there "khaleesi sorry to interrupt i just came to fetch your brother we were going to train today." He says bowing to dany "of course ser and go easy on him don't want him complaining about his butt hurting again." she says laughing a bit and my cheeks turn a light pink and i role my eyes " jorah i can't believe you told her" i say narrowing my eyes at him as daenerys laughs "apologies my prince" he says smiling and i go to walk out the door "i'll see you later brother i shall watch rhaella for you" she says and i give her a nod before me a jorah leave the room.

Me and jorah had found a place to train no one was present just me and him. We didn't waste time and got straight to work, i was getting better with my swing but knowhere near where i wanted to be. "patience viserys with constant practice you will be a great swordsman, at least u only fell twice this time" he says and i give him a playful glare "again" i say before swinging my sword his way catching him off guard causing him to stumble as he goes to block. I keep my feet firm as i send him strike after strike and not as sloppy when we first trained, i see an opening and before jorah can register it im knocking his sword out his hand.

Having my sword against his neck jorah smirks at me "well done" i sheath my sword with a smile on my face "i've decided a name for my sword" i say to him.

"and whats that" he says going to pick up his sword "blood bringer" i say "this sword will taste the blood of any enemy that dares challenge me and my sister" i tell him "i like it" he responds sheathing his own sword

"i would hate to be a enemy of u ...father of dragons" hearing this me and jorah turn to notice xaro "xaro what do i owe the pleasure?" i say with a fake smile he may have let us in and i'm grateful but i trust no one here. "I have come to invite you to a gathering in the gardens everyone from your hoard is invited as well , your sister has already accepted her invitation" he says and i look to jorah then back towards him " it would be a honor" i tell him "the honor is all mine, i have left you an outfit in your room i will see you there" he says then walks away "no one here gives me a good feeling" i say beginning to leave "feelings are mutual my prince" jorah says following behind me.

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